Hierarchy of Beings

The Hierarchy of Beings is a widely accepted theory that is part theology, part science which attempts to classify all beings within the context of the The Five Essences. It is often presented in tandem with Hierarchy of Planes.  

Classification of Beings

Example BeingPrimessenceSecoressenceTertiessenceQuadressenceQuintessence
Divine Quinternion (Aeviternal)DivineAeviternalEternityMutableImmutable
ArchfiendInfernalSempiternalThe Celestial MountainsMutableImmutable
ArchcelestialCelestialSempiternalThe Celestial PlainsMutableImmutable
CelestialsCelestialImmortalThe Celestial ValleysImmutableMutable
DevilsInfernalImmortalThe Shifting VeilImmutableMutable
DragonsDraconicTemporalThe Shifting VeilImmutableMutable
Elemental LordsElementalImmortalPrimordial ConfluxImmutableMutable
TitansCelestialTemporalUmbral ForgeImmutableMutable
FaeFaeTemporalGloaming ForestMutableMutable
DemonsInfernalTemporalMaelstrom InfernumMutableMutable
AberrationsAberrantTemporalRambling ExpanseMutableMutable
Human, ElvespianMundaneTemporalProsaic PlaneMutableMutable
DogMundaneTemporalProsaic PlaneNoneMutable

Essence Catagorization


Primessence may manifest differently depending on the other essences. For mundane creatures, the destruction of primessence is what is typically thought of as death. For divine, celestial and infernal beings, this essence is either reformed after destruction by its other essences or cannot be fully destroyed.  


  • Eteneral: An eternal being exists outside of time altogether, existing in all moments past, present and future. Their essences cannot be destroyed nor changed.
  • Aeviternal: An aeviternal being exists within time, but is unaffected by the passage of it. They exist in all moments past, present and future from the moment it was created.
  • Semiternal: A sempiternal being exists within the passage of time, existing in all moments from its creation to a specific moment which advances with time.
  • Immortal: An immortal being exists within the passage of time at a specific moment. Should any of its essences be destroyed, they will regenerate anew after some time.
  • Mortal: An temporal being exists within the passage of time at a specific moment. Their essences can be destroyed, and their existance can end.
  • Time always flows in one direction. For any observed present moment, there are countably infinite number of past moments that coalesce into that present moment with uncountably infinite possible futures. For temporal and immortal creatures, this is experianced as a singlular past and present, with an unknown future. For Semiternal creatures, this is experianced as an infinite present without any past, with an unknown future.  


    Tertiessence is listed as the plane of origin for that being. Some posses the ability to manipulate this essence and change it to be able to travel through planes. Even so, only certian planes are accesible from one and other, as detailed in the Hierarchy of Planes.  


  • Mutable: A mutable quadressence means the being can change its nature and purpose, it can adopt a different identity than that which it was created for. It also means that it may be possible to destroy or reduce the quadressence in a being.
  • Immutable: A immutable quadressence means the being can change its nature and purpose, it can adopt a different identity than that which it was created for.
  • None: Quadressence hasn't been measured or qunatified, so saying in which beings it doesn't exists is part conjecture. However, this is most commonly attributed to what some would call "non-sentient" beings.
  • Quintessence

  • Mutable: A mutable quintessence means the being is weakened by using magic or being attacked by it. It also means that thier quintessence can be destroyed, reduced, or increased. In the case of destruction, the being's other essence's would unravel and they would cease to exist.
  • Immutable: A immutable quintessence means the being is not weakened by using magic or being attacked by it. Thier quintessence cannot be destroyed, reduced, or increased.

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