Vesper Blight

Vesper Blight is a deeply magical disease that infects plants and plant-like entities. For this reason, Elvespians are especially vulnerable to the Vesper Blight. It is only found on the continent of Ormyst where it first began but is constantly threatening to spread. Those affected find that a seeping black ichor begins to replace their blood and their will is quickly overtaken by parasitic magic as they are added to the Blighted Chorus.  

The Blighted Chorus

The Blighted Chorus, or sometimes just the Chorus, is the name for the magical hivemind created by everything infected by the Vesper Blight. It is named so for the terrifying humming produced by sentient creatures claimed by its ranks. The Chorus requires a physical connection to communicate amongst itself which it usually achieves by replacing the grass or other ground flora with a blighted version. This creeping layer of ichorous black ground is sometimes also called "blight". Blight can be destroyed fairly easily with fire and is known to avoid bright light, but there are observed exceptions to this. Some think there may be different types of blight or perhaps that it is adapting to methods used against it. Either way, it continuously creeps across the continent looking for victims rarely fully extinguished.   Though an amalgam of mostly plants, the Chorus exhibits a strange intelligence. It has been known to rapidly expand and target settlements that get too close or try to curtail its growth. The foot soldiers of the Chorus are the animals and people caught up in its slow but steady expansion. Typically, the more magically inclined the creature, the more powerful of a blighted creation it becomes when corrupted by the blight. The creations of the Chorus become mindless puppets to further its alien will, protecting and expanding it. Groteque Chorus creatures, born from powerful Elvespian leaders and known as Blightfallen Archons, function as a powerful vanguard for advances of the Chorus when it is at its peak. Though not their former selves, these Archons do exhibit a sembalence of sentience beyond the hivemind, practicing a cruelty and shrewdness in battle that the rest of their blighted counterparts do not.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmission of the Vesper Blight requires prolonged physical exposure to it. It slowly seeps Quintessence into targets near to it and then infects them. For Elvespians, this time is measured in hours. For other creatures, however, it is measured in days. Often, creatures are infected by becoming ensnared by plants or creatures under the influence of the Blighted Chorus.


It is unlikely one is infected without knowing. First, black ichor begins to run from the eyes and then is expelled from the lungs in a cough. This stage is the intial infection as the Blight attempts to hijack the creature's will. It varies widely by race and one's resistance to magical curses, but the next stage is marked by delusions and often accompanied by a fevor. Once the fevor sets in, the Vesper Blight has fully infected a person and it will take mere hours to completely overcome a creature. The creature will begin to lose all sense of self-preservation shortly later and will insist they are fine inspite of their symptoms. Then the Blight then joins them to the Chorus and they are all but lost. WHile they may techinically live for a few more hours, it will be excruciatingly painful and without any control on their part. Symptoms progress more slowl the further from Blight one becomes.


Restoration spells and magical spells that remove curses and disseases can rid someone of the Blight in the first stage of infection. In the second stage of delusions and fevor, more powerful healing magic is needed. After that, death follows quickly and death from Vesper Blight offers no recourse for resurrection as the Blight eats away the Quintessence of the individual.

Hosts & Carriers

Nearly all plants are easily infected and threatend by the Blight. Other living creatues are usually safe as long as they maintain physical distance but can become infected if they get too close.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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