The Knights Maji Organization in Halruaal | World Anvil
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The Knights Maji

The Knights Maji are the elite forces of the Nobility and Imperial Senate.  They stand as heroes and extraordinary combatants above the typical Halruaalan military.  All the member of the Maji are combatively focused on top of their other skills.  Whether it is fighting non-magic users or wizards, they have trained in handling the problem.  As such members can be found from each of the Noble Houses and are personally sworn to the First Archon and the Imperial Senate.


The First Archon commands the Knight Maji; however, they are funded and supported by the Imperial Senate (not to be confused with the the lesser Senates within the major cities).  Under the First Archon is a group of Knight Captains who head up particular squads and patrol the Halruaalan regions.  In turn these squads are made up of Senior knights and junior knights - all of which follow orders within the chain of command.    


The Maji are an elite branch of the military and are respected members of such.  Yet despite much of the military force belonging to the various Houses, the knights loyalty is strictly to the throne of Halruaal and whoever sits upon it.

Public Agenda

Maintain the peace, order, and security of Halruaal.


The Knights Maji have authority equal to that of the throne.  They can be diplomats, generals, and admirals according to their rank within the structure.  A Captain acts as a military general.  They have the ability to command troops, confer with the nobility, and do whatever is necessary to complete their mission.  In times of peace, they're rank is comparable to a Duke or Duchess.  In times of war, they are on equal footing with the Archons (in name and sometimes even in skill).  A Senior Maji acts as a military commander, and a junior knight acts like a lieutenant.   


The Knights Maji were formed at the start of the Imperial Senate chiefly under the need to combat the growing conflict with the Elves of the Keilden Forest.  Though much has changed since this time, they've maintained a steady position at the last resort (or nuclear option) to country wide conflict.

Halruaal Aeternum

Founding Date
20 AC
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
The Maji
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization


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