Bellas Beiren
Belllas Beiren is the Minhil of Caelcoa, a small Elven kingdom located between Aendrithor and Morduin. Bellas is fairly young for an Elven ruler, only being a little over two hundred years of age, and has only reigned over Caelcoa for three decades. His brother, who was Caelcoa's previous Minhil, had left the nation in an improving state and had enabled the widespread development of infrastructure and bettered public systems for people across the kingdom. Bellas, however, is a far more self-centered and hedonistic ruler, yet his reign has seen continued economic growth, primarily due to the work of his late brother. Bellas was the former headmaster of a mage college in Caelcoa, the Caelcoan Cosmologic Academy, having been elected headmaster after a prestigious and record-setting tenure as a researcher and student. He had studied and experimented with the nature of the relationship between the outer planes, leading many conservative zealots to see him as somewhat of a skeptic and unfaithful to the Nsalenoric Pantheon.
Bellas is a younger Elven man with long black hair and a very angular, square face. His features are sharp and his skin is exuberantly pale, being almost a pure white in color. He constantly bears a bored and indifferent expression, with a look of contempt acting to convey his beliefs of his own superiority. He is never seen without a drink in hand, and is rumored to be a user of illicit magical substances. He often wears a long, bluish-green robe over a ceremonial breastplate made of bronze, and is known to wear numerous pieces of jewelry to an unnecessary extent.
ice blue eyes, squinty
long, black, pulled back in a half-bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale, nearly pure white
6' 5''