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Lobatrosses are the massive, snail-like animals used by many in Londthas as a form of long-distance travel, or even as moving homes and camps. An adult, male Lobatross can be up to forty feet in length and over twenty feet wide, and their backs are covered in a hard shell that allows them to bear shacks, tents, and other temporary homes on their backs. They are large, docile beasts, having been tamed and domesticated millennia ago by the elves of Londthas to act as travelling campsites for nobles and other influential members of society. They are peaceful and refuse to fight, depending on their owners or inhabitants to protect them from wildlife, bandits, and other dangers; however, their large size and tall stature often deters most predators from trying to hunt them. This means that Lobatrosses have no real natural predators and the only dangers that exist towards them is disease, starvation, or people. They are by no means common or populous, however, as they live very long lives and rarely, if ever, produce offspring. This has limited them to being owned by either nobles or transportation services as well as being the property of a few influential mage colleges in Londthas, used to aid students in long-term research expeditions. Very few exist outside of Londthas, and these are typically pets of high tier nobles, such as emperors.    Lobatrosses are large creatures, being taller than most two-story buildings and being large enough to carry semi-permanent housing on their backs. They are very similar in appearance to snails or slugs, apart from their size and the strange, fey-like patterns on their shells: they are also much faster than snails, with thousands of small tentacles aiding their movement rather than a flat, slimy surface. Their skin is somewhat smooth and is typically a paler and lighter blue color, though some have green, brown, and tan skin as well. Most buildings constructed on their backs are either shacks, campsites, or simple seating for what is essentially public transportation services in cities across Londthas.
500 years
Average Height
30 feet
Average Length
30 to 40 feet
Geographic Distribution


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