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Vulbites are goat-like humanoids that are inhabit regions throughout Dalashiel, but mostly tend to live in the northern arable plains of the continent. There are not many Vulbite peoples outside of their homelands in Dalashiel, with only a few communities existing in nations like Auchnavar with some enclaves existing in larger cities across Almor. Vulbite populations mostly live in rural communities, working as farmers, herders, and herbalists. Many Vulbites are also druids or practice natural occult magic due to their reliance on the natural world for most facets of their lives. Vulbite, religiously, believe in the Froslakian Pantheon, with most being worshippers of Gudor, the druidic god of the natural world. Culturally, Vulbites are similar to most Froslak peoples, having been a coexisting people for thousands of years, but they are slightly more in tune with the natural world and tend to be far more pacifistic. In terms of appearance, Vulbites are goat-like: they are covered in fur which ranges from white to brown to black and share other features with goats, sheep, and rams, such as them having similar facial shapes and their men bearing horns. They are somewhat similar to satyrs, but they are less human and more animalistic in appearance.


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