Nafton's Stables & Kennel

There are few horses in Milborne, since their usefulness as mounts is limited in hilly and wooded terrain; most travel here is done by boat and barge rather than on horseback. However, Nafton usually has a handful of average quality light horses for sale (some of the local farmers own plowhorses, but these are not for sale). More noteworthy are the man's fine guard hounds, hammerheaded mastiffs which Nafton is an expert in training and breeding. Many townsfolk have one as a protection for property, just in case, and not a farm in the area is without one. Nafton is 37 years old, an aloof man who prefers the company of his beloved dogs to that of humans. There are usually a dozen or so dogs and pups around the place at any one time. Nafton supplies normal equipment for horses (reins, saddles, nosebags, horseblankets, and the like, but not barding). Nafton can also stable horses here for 5 sp per day.
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