The Thornwood Geographic Location in Haranshire | World Anvil

The Thornwood

The great Thornwood to the west of the Woldcote is avoided by local people, save for the margins of the wood just south of the Churnett River and around Hog Brook. Timber wolves, the occasional mountain lion, and bears are often seen along the forest's edge. An especial peril of the darker recesses of the forest are the huge and giant spiders which lurk there, and local people usually mention these brutes as a specific reason why they don't enter the deeper recesses of the Thornwood. Humanoids (goblins and bugbears especially) are both believed to dwell deep within the forest also. Since the Thornwood does not yield timber as good as that from the Lyrchwood or Blessed Wood, and it lacks the Redwood's fruit trees, there is no pressing reason for local folk to exploit it.