
  Arinwen is known for her outgoing nature and boisterous personality, always ready with a smile and a joke for her patrons.   Despite her friendly demeanor, Arinwen is a shrewd businesswoman and takes great pride in the quality of her food and drink. She spends hours each day in the kitchen, overseeing the preparation of her signature dishes like boar roast and venison stew. She sources her ingredients locally whenever possible, and has developed a reputation for using only the freshest and most flavorful ingredients.   Arinwen is fiercely protective of her tavern and its patrons. She has been known to ban troublemakers for good if they threaten the peace of her establishment. She's not one to shy away from a fight if necessary, and has been known to wield a rolling pin or beer stein with deadly accuracy.   Despite her tough exterior, Arinwen has a soft spot for those in need. She has been known to offer free meals and lodging to travelers down on their luck, and has even been known to hire out-of-work adventurers to deal with particularly troublesome pests or bandits.  
Current Location
Date of Birth
10th of Abadius
Current Residence
Ruled Locations