
  A bustling little town built on a crossroad. Depending on the direction you've come from it's either the first town you've seen in weeks, or the first warm bed you've seen since the mountains, either way Acrine is a charming town to stop by, and the tavern and inn host the world famous Avalon Wines.   Built around two centuries ago Acrine has stood the test of time so far. It was built by a group of farmers who were tired of having to go all the way from Hollyhead to Mossley just to sell their crops, and decided to set up shop along the way. Nowadays Acrine is known for its agricultural growth, primarily wheat, barley and hops, with a smattering of fruits and vegetables as well, and their livestock, primarily cows and pigs.


80% humans, 20% other races. The town doesn't harbor any ill-will to any other races, they are simply the descendants of the founders and their farming community.


Acrine has an Oligarchy, with a handful of priests who tend to the town's needs. Through their leadership Acrine has ensured that none go hungry or without shelter, they set up a schoolhouse to educate the children, and, while they worship Gruhastha The Keeper, they do allow open worship of any deity so long as their morals and alignment don't stray too far from the light of good.


The town watch, led by an appointed Captain with one Lieutenant, and enough guards to deal with the drunkards on a busy Starday night on the town.

Industry & Trade

Livestock and agricultural trade. The town sees a lot of throughfare from other towns making their way to the border or to Dalhurst for higher prices on trades and shipping exports, they also see a good amount of the wine shipments from Avalon Wines as it passes through town.


There is a watermill on the east side of town with a couple of small barns to hold processed grains. A good deal of the town's buildings have begun to show their age, and some of the citizens have taken it upon themselves to rebolster their buildings and so a few of the buildings have stand out having been freshly painted and re-roofed.


Lots of arable farming land, a good amount of livestock, and a nice sense of community considering the size of it all.

Guilds and Factions

The Emerald Dragonfly  has a small but noticeable foothold in Acrine, being one of the closest towns to the inner sea and built on a crossroads allows them to import and export various goods easily.   The Succulent Sapphire  has a location in Acrine, much to the dismay of the priests in charge and much to the joy of various travelers looking for a night of company on before the long road ahead of them.


Founded in 11,704 by a group of farmers who didn't want to make the long haul trek from Mossley to Gazor Fort to sell their harvests anymore. The area around Acrine was prime real estate, with a crisp river running through it and miles of arable farmland around it this area was perfect for a nice small farming village. Over the years the town has grown and been somewhat prosperous, though some would argue they would be more wealthy if their taxes were going towards town growth instead of the churches coffers.


Acrine isn't necessarily known for its tourism, being a town on a major throughfare they do see a lot of traffic during the busy seasons though.   While travelers are passing through most stay at the tavern or the inn, though after the harvest and during the busy season the beds are almost always full, and people have to set up tents along the outskirts of town.   Starday and Sunday are market days in Acrine and the market is almost always full of vendors. During the busy season there are so many vendors that they take to lining up along the road leading into Acrine as well. A good deal of things can be found at the markets during the busy season, from fresh produce to strange oddities, and sometimes a magic item dealer sets up a strange tent.


Mostly stone and wood construction, with white exterior walls (though many are faded to a soft tan at this point) and clay shingled roofs.


Acrine is built on in a slight valley with flat plains and a river flowing through it, farmland stretches for miles around the village and is the first thing seen when approaching from either side.


Fairly temperate all year, though it does get fairly foggy being in a valley.

Natural Resources

Fresh crisp water from the river, grains from the fields and livestock.