Corvina Nightwing

Corvina stands at an average height for a Tengu, with sleek, glossy black feathers covering her body. Her eyes, however, are her most captivating feature. They gleam with a deep, piercing blue, exuding an aura of profound wisdom. Her beak is finely crafted and often adorned with intricate jewelry, including silver rings and feathers adorned with tiny gemstones. Corvina typically dresses in dark, flowing robes adorned with feathers and adorned with silver and gemstone accents. She often wears a hooded cloak that conceals her wings, giving her an aura of mystery. Corvina carries herself with an air of quiet confidence and a hint of mischief in her eyes. She speaks in a melodic, hypnotic tone, making her words feel like a soothing incantation. She is known for her enigmatic smile, which seems to suggest that she knows more than she's willing to reveal. Corvina sells various things related to divination, incense, bones, chalk etc.
Current Location
Date of Birth
21st of Sarenith
Current Residence
Ruled Locations