Elara Whitehorn

  Elara Whitethorn, the artistic apothecary and co-owner of The Botanica in Acrine, is a woman of grace and creativity. Elara is in her early forties, with flowing chestnut hair that cascades down her back in gentle waves. Her hair is often adorned with delicate floral accessories, adding a touch of natural beauty to her appearance. Elara's warm, hazel eyes sparkle with a mix of curiosity and artistic passion, reflecting her deep connection to the world of plants and herbs.   Her skin possesses a natural, healthy glow, hinting at the time she spends surrounded by the botanical wonders that fill The Botanica. Elara's face bears a youthful radiance, accentuated by her gentle smile and the light dusting of freckles that graces her cheeks.   When it comes to fashion, Elara's attire is an extension of her artistic spirit. She favors flowing, ethereal dresses made from natural fabrics, adorned with intricate floral patterns and delicate embroidery. Her clothing often features a palette of soft, earthy tones that harmonize with the vibrant colors found within The Botanica. Elara's slender fingers bear delicate silver rings, adorned with gemstones that reflect the natural hues of plants and flowers.   Elara's passion for artistry is evident in the way she arranges the products within The Botanica. She takes great care in creating visually appealing displays, arranging dried herbs, flowers, and potion bottles in eye-catching patterns. Her attention to detail and keen eye for aesthetics add a touch of enchantment to the shop, inviting customers to explore the wonders that lie within.   Despite her love for artistic expression, Elara possesses a deep knowledge of apothecary and alchemical practices. Her understanding of the intricate properties of herbs and botanical ingredients is as vast as her husband's, making them a formidable team in their shared endeavor. Elara's gentle nature and artistic sensibilities create a harmonious balance with Eamon's calm wisdom, allowing them to provide holistic care and guidance to those who seek their expertise.   Elara Whitethorn's physical appearance, age, and race embody the harmony between artistry and herbalism that permeates The Botanica. Her presence adds a touch of beauty and creativity to the shop, enriching the experience of all who enter its doors and cementing her role as an integral part of the welcoming atmosphere within the town of Acrine.  
Date of Birth
14th of Sarenith
Ruled Locations