Filicity Shadowpaw

  Felicity Shadowpaw was born into a family of catfolk merchants in Gilramore. Growing up, she learned the art of managing money and trade from her parents, but she longed for something more exciting than a life of commerce. At the age of 20, she left her family and traveled to the capital city of Blackcrag.   Felicity's first job in Blackcrag was as a bookkeeper for a small business. It was there that she caught the attention of the Succulent Sapphire's finance manager at the time. Impressed with her skills and work ethic, he offered her a job at the brothel as an assistant.   Felicity quickly proved herself to be invaluable to the Succulent Sapphire. She streamlined their accounting practices and implemented new financial strategies that greatly increased profits. Over time, she rose through the ranks to become the finance manager.   As finance manager, Felicity is responsible for managing the finances of all the Succulent Sapphire's locations. She oversees the bookkeeping, budgeting, and financial planning for the entire organization. Her keen mind for business and her ability to spot trends and opportunities has helped the union grow and thrive financially.   Felicity is known for her no-nonsense attitude and her sharp tongue. She doesn't suffer fools lightly, and she has no tolerance for anyone who tries to cheat the union out of its hard-earned money. Despite her tough exterior, however, she cares deeply for the well-being of the union's employees, and she works tirelessly to ensure that they are paid fairly and have access to the resources they need to succeed.  
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Sarenith
Aligned Organization