The Succulent Sapphire

  The Succulent Sapphire is the most renowned brothel union in Odril that operates in various cities and towns throughout the region, including Blackcrag, Acrine, Pendle, Gazor Fort, Yelean, Rabbank, and Gilramore. The union is known for its exceptional services and luxurious accommodations that cater to the discerning tastes of its clientele.   The Succulent Sapphire's heart is nestled in Blackcrag, where it has established itself as one of the most respected and prosperous businesses in the city. The brothel union operates several establishments in the city, each staffed with beautiful and talented courtesans who are well-trained in the art of seduction and pleasure.   In addition to its operations in Blackcrag, The Succulent Sapphire also has locations in Acrine, Pendle, Gazor Fort, Yelean, Rabbank, and Gilramore, where it has built a reputation for providing high-quality services and creating a safe and welcoming environment for its clients.   Despite its success, The Succulent Sapphire has faced opposition from certain quarters, particularly from the authorities in Silverkeep, who have refused to allow the brothel union to establish a presence in their town. Undeterred, The Succulent Sapphire has continued to thrive and expand, and is considered one of the most influential and powerful brothel unions in the region.   As a brothel union, The Succulent Sapphire is also known for its progressive policies towards its employees, providing them with fair wages, benefits, and a voice in the operation of the business. The union has established a strong sense of community among its workers, who are proud to be part of an organization that values their contributions and strives to improve their lives.   In addition to the luxurious accommodations and exceptional services, The Succulent Sapphire also employs a unique magical barrier to entry for its clients. The brothel union has developed its own Ward of Detect Disease, which is kept in the reception area of each establishment. This ward is designed to detect any signs of disease or infection on potential clients before they are granted access to the establishment. To enter a Succulent Sapphire establishment, a client must pass through the Ward of Detect Disease without setting it off. If the ward detects any signs of disease or infection on the client, they are denied entry and directed to seek medical attention before returning to the establishment. This innovative approach to client safety has earned The Succulent Sapphire a reputation for being one of the safest and most responsible brothel unions in the region. The union takes great pride in its commitment to providing a safe and welcoming environment for its clients and employees alike. The magical barriers also add an extra layer of privacy and discretion for clients, as only those who are cleared by the ward are granted access to the establishment. This ensures that clients can enjoy their experience at The Succulent Sapphire without fear of exposure or judgment.   The Succulent Sapphire also hosts a variety of events and gatherings, some of their other events include:   Masquerade Balls: The Succulent Sapphire hosts elaborate masquerade balls around festivals that feature live music, dancing, and refreshments. The event is a chance for clients to mix and mingle with the courtesans and other guests in a luxurious and intimate setting.   Wine Tastings: The Succulent Sapphire hosts wine tastings featuring rare and exotic wines from around the world. These events are held in the common areas of the establishments, and clients have the opportunity to taste different wines while chatting with courtesans.   Erotic Art Exhibits: The Succulent Sapphire showcases erotic art exhibits featuring works by talented artists from around the region.   Themed Parties: The Succulent Sapphire hosts themed parties, such as "Fey Forest" or "Pirate's Den." These events are a chance for clients to dress up in costumes and fully immerse themselves in a different world for an evening.   For exorbitant fees the Succulent Sapphire can also be completely rented out for private functions, or they can send courtesans to private residences, though they are accompanied by security for private functions as the safety of the courtesans is of the utmost importance.


Leader: The head of The Succulent Sapphire brothel union is a half-orc woman named Kethra Blacktusk. She is a savvy and shrewd businesswoman who has worked hard to build the union's reputation for exceptional services and luxurious accommodations. Kethra oversees the day-to-day operations of the union and is responsible for making important decisions regarding its future direction.   Managers: Under Kethra's leadership, The Succulent Sapphire employs a team of skilled managers who oversee various aspects of the union's operations:   Operations Manager: a strikingly beautiful sylph woman named Sylara Windwhisper. As an experienced courtesan herself, Sylara understands the importance of creating a comfortable and luxurious environment for clients. She oversees the day-to-day operations of the union's establishments, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Sylara is known for her calm and collected demeanor, and her ability to handle even the most difficult situations with grace.   Marketing Manager: a handsome blue tiefling named Lysander Nightshade. Lysander is a charming and charismatic individual, with a talent for attracting new clients to the union's establishments. He is skilled at creating marketing campaigns that capture the attention of potential clients, and he is always looking for new and innovative ways to promote The Succulent Sapphire. Lysander is also an accomplished musician and often performs at the union's establishments.   Human Resources Manager: an undine woman named Naiya Wavesinger. Naiya is a compassionate and empathetic individual who is deeply committed to the well-being of the union's employees. She is responsible for hiring new employees, managing payroll and benefits, and ensuring that the union complies with all relevant labor laws. Naiya is known for her ability to connect with others and for her commitment to creating a positive work environment.   Finance Manager: a catfolk woman named Felicity Shadowpaw. Felicity is a savvy and detail-oriented individual who oversees the union's financial operations with precision and skill. She is responsible for budgeting, financial reporting, and tax compliance, and works closely with Kethra to ensure that the union remains profitable and financially stable. Felicity is known for her no-nonsense attitude and her ability to make tough financial decisions when necessary.   Employees: The Succulent Sapphire employs a large team of talented courtesans who are trained in the art of seduction and pleasure. These employees work in the union's various establishments and are responsible for providing exceptional services to clients. They are highly valued by the union's leadership and are compensated fairly for their work.


The culture of The Succulent Sapphire brothel union is one of respect, inclusivity, and professionalism. The union takes pride in providing a safe and welcoming environment for all of its employees and clients, regardless of race, gender identity, or sexual orientation.   One of the key values of the union is respect for the individual. The courtesans who work for the union are treated as valued members of the organization, and are provided with training, support, and resources to ensure that they can perform their jobs to the best of their abilities. Additionally, the union has strict policies in place to protect the safety and privacy of both employees and clients.   The union also places a strong emphasis on professionalism. Courtesans are expected to conduct themselves with poise and grace at all times, and to provide their clients with exceptional service. The union provides ongoing training and support to ensure that courtesans have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their roles.   Finally, The Succulent Sapphire has a culture of innovation and creativity. The union is always looking for new and innovative ways to provide unique and memorable experiences for its clients. This may include developing new services, hosting events, or creating partnerships with other businesses in the community.

Public Agenda

The Succulent Sapphire's public agenda is primarily focused on advocating for the rights and safety of sex workers, as well as promoting awareness and education around issues related to sex work.   The union engages in public campaigns to raise awareness around the need for greater protections and legal recognition for sex workers. This includes lobbying for changes to laws and regulations that impact the safety and working conditions of sex workers, or advocating for policies that support the health and well-being of sex workers.   They also work to promote a more positive and nuanced understanding of sex work in the broader public. This includes efforts to challenge stigmatizing attitudes and stereotypes about sex workers, or to promote education and awareness around issues related to sexual health and wellness.   Additionally, The Succulent Sapphire engages in community outreach and education efforts to promote safer and more consensual sexual practices among the general public. This includes hosting workshops and events that provide education and resources around topics like sexual health, consent, and healthy relationships.


Real estate: The union owns several properties across its various locations, including the headquarters in Blackcrag and the other branches in Acrine, Pendle, Gazor Fort, Yelean, Rabbank, and Gilramore. These properties includes the brothels themselves, as well as any other buildings or facilities the union uses for its operations.   Equipment and furnishings: The Succulent Sapphire has a large inventory of equipment and furnishings that it uses to outfit its brothels and provide its services. This includes things like beds, linens, furniture, lighting, instruments, and other decor.   Human capital: The union's greatest asset is its employees - the courtesans who provide the services that the union is known for. These employees are highly skilled and trained, and are a valuable resource for the union.   Financial resources: As a profitable business, The Succulent Sapphire has significant financial resources at its disposal. This includes cash reserves, investments, and other financial assets that the union can use to support its operations, pay its employees, and invest in new projects and initiatives.   Intellectual property: The Succulent Sapphire has developed unique and valuable intellectual property related to its operations, such as proprietary training materials, marketing strategies, or service offerings. They have also developed the Ward of Detect Disease, which is a proprietary spell held in secret.   The Succulent Sapphire and the Emerald Dragonfly have a working agreement with the following benefits:   Security: The Succulent Sapphire is a high-profile target for theft and other criminal activities. Having contacts within the Emerald Dragonfly helps the union to better protect its assets and employees by providing inside information about potential threats and helping to deter criminal activity.   Information: The Emerald Dragonfly often has valuable information about local criminal networks, political maneuvering, and other important matters. By leveraging its contacts within the thieves guild, The Succulent Sapphire has gained access to this information and uses it to inform its own business decisions and strategies.   Influence: The Emerald Dragonfly is a powerful organization with its own network of allies and enemies. By cultivating a relationship with the thieves guild, The Succulent Sapphire has access to this network and uses it to expand its own influence and power.   In return, The Succulent Sapphire could offer the Emerald Dragonfly a number of benefits as well. For example:   Protection: The Succulent Sapphire is a powerful and respected organization with its own security resources. By partnering with the union, the Emerald Dragonfly gains a measure of protection and security for its own operations and members, including a regulated safe environment for members who need to lie low for a time.   Resources: The Succulent Sapphire is a profitable business with significant financial resources. By partnering with the union, the Emerald Dragonfly gains access to some of these resources and use them to further its own goals and initiatives.   Influence: The Succulent Sapphire is well-connected and respected within its own industry and beyond. By partnering with the union, the Emerald Dragonfly gains access to this network and uses it to expand its own influence and power.


The Succulent Sapphire has a long and storied history that spans over three centuries. Founded 312 years ago, the union began as a small collective of courtesans who banded together for protection and mutual support. At the time, sex work was a dangerous and precarious profession, with little legal protection or social acceptance.   Over time, The Succulent Sapphire grew and evolved, becoming a powerful force in the world of sex work. The union was known for its commitment to providing high-quality services, as well as its focus on the well-being and safety of its employees.   Despite its successes, The Succulent Sapphire faced many challenges over the years. In its early years, the union struggled to gain legal recognition and faced persecution from authorities who saw sex work as immoral and dangerous. However, over time, the union was able to make inroads with local governments and gain greater legal protections for its employees.   In the last 100 years, The Succulent Sapphire has experienced significant growth and expansion, as it has opened new branches in cities across the region. This expansion has been driven in part by the increasing acceptance of sex work as a legitimate profession, as well as the union's growing reputation for excellence and safety.   Throughout its history, The Succulent Sapphire has remained committed to its core values of safety, quality, and respect for its employees and clients. Despite the challenges it has faced, the union has continued to thrive and grow, becoming a key player in the world of sex work and a powerful advocate for the rights and well-being of sex workers.

Indulge in the Extraordinary

Founding Date
2nd of Rova, 11,611
Civil Services
Alternative Names
The Blue Room
  • Operations Manager: Sylara Windwhisper
  • Marketing Manager: Lysander Nightshade
  • Human Resources Manager: Naiya Wavesinger
  • Finance Manager: Filicity Shadowpaw
  •   Other Locations:
  • The Riverside Retreat

  • This article has no secrets.