Isadora Nightingale

  Isadora Nightingale is a talented and passionate Instructor of Performance at the magical bards college. As a human, she has a natural affinity for music and a love for the art of performance. Isadora's specialty is in teaching students how to use their music to captivate audiences and tell stories through their performances.   Isadora has a clockwork prosthetic left leg fashioned out of silver and bronze. She has never let this slow her down and when a student complains that they cannot keep up due to physical challenges she bares her leg to show that anyone can, given the right training.   In her personal life, Isadora is a vivacious and charismatic person. She loves nothing more than being in front of an audience, whether it's on stage or simply chatting with friends at a tavern. She has a magnetic personality that draws people to her, and she has a gift for making even the most shy and introverted students feel at ease.   Isadora is also deeply romantic and sentimental, with a love for all things beautiful and poetic. She has a weakness for grand gestures, whether it's a dramatic love song or an elaborate display of affection. She is always seeking out new experiences and sensations, and she has a flair for the dramatic that can sometimes border on the theatrical.   Despite her outgoing and extroverted nature, Isadora can also be quite introspective and reflective. She is constantly seeking out new sources of inspiration for her performances, and she spends a great deal of time alone, exploring the depths of her own emotions and experiences. She is deeply sensitive and empathetic, with a gift for understanding the inner workings of the human heart.   Isadora is also fiercely independent and has a strong sense of self. She is not afraid to challenge authority or to speak her mind, even if it means going against the prevailing wisdom of her colleagues. She has a strong moral compass and a deep sense of justice, and she is always willing to fight for what she believes in.   Overall, Isadora Nightingale is a complex and dynamic individual who is deeply passionate about performance and music. Her infectious enthusiasm and charismatic personality have made her a beloved figure among students and colleagues alike, and her dedication and hard work have earned her a place of respect and admiration in the magical bards college.  