The Lorelei Institute of Magic and Bards

Founded in 11673 by Lorelei, an orc who dreamed of putting down the sword to become a bard, and built herself a place where all would be welcome to study the ways of music.   Lorelei was a bard who couldn't carry a tune but wanted to create a space where anyone could learn, no matter their skill levels. The institute also hosts a bevvy of other courses ranging from Architecture to Dance, Culinary studies to Sculpting, and boasting some of the best Thespians, Comedians and Novelists to have traveled in all of Odril, anything that involves artistic expression can be found being taught here.   Despite its prestige, the school is very open and welcoming. Its culture is rather laid back, even wholesome - as it encourages its students to forego pre-marital pleasures to focus all their energies on their craft.   A finer institute for music doesn't exist, though minstrels and instrumentalists alike credit the variety of studies as inspiration for the more traditional aspects of their profession.   The college will soon be celebrating its 250 year anniversary on the 5th of Rova, invitations have been sent all around the country and all those willing to make the trip are invited to celebrate in a large week long celebration full of events spanning from singing, to plays, to re-enactments of famous times in history, it will be a show to remember.


Headmaster: Elvander Tathariel - A wise and powerful elf who has been the headmaster of the college for over a century. He has a wealth of knowledge about magical music and bardic traditions and is widely respected by students and faculty alike.   Director of Music: Orintha Silvervoice - An accomplished bard who has performed all over the realm, Orintha is in charge of the music program at the college. She helps students hone their musical skills and teaches them how to use music to cast spells and create illusions.   Professor of Musical History: Thoren Ironbeard - A gruff but knowledgeable dwarf, Thoren is an expert on the history of magic and bardic lore. He teaches students about the origins of bardic magic and how it has evolved over the centuries.   Instructor of Magic: Kaela Shadowcaster - A mysterious goblin, Kaela teaches students how to harness the power of magic through their music. She specializes in dark and mysterious spells that can both enchant and harm.   Master of Combat: Grogan Battleaxe - A towering orc, Grogan teaches students how to use their music in combat. He is an expert in the art of battle songs and teaches students how to inspire and protect their allies with their music.   Instructor of Performance: Isadora Nightingale - A charismatic human, Isadora teaches students how to perform on stage. She helps students develop their stage presence and teaches them how to use their music to entertain and captivate an audience.   Professor of Languages: Sariel Moonwhisper - A nagaji with a talent for languages, Sariel teaches students how to speak and understand exotic languages. She also teaches students how to use their music to communicate with creatures who do not speak a common tongue.   Master of Illusion: Arinthus the Enchanter - A flamboyant gnome, Arinthus teaches students how to create illusions with their music. He is an expert in using music to create magical effects such as invisibility and phantasmal forces.   Professor of Theory: Roderick Silverthorn - A studious catfolk, Roderick teaches students about the theory behind bardic magic. He teaches students how to read musical notation and how to understand the mathematical principles behind spells.


The Lorelei Institute has a longstanding culture of having open doors to all who wish to learn. Thanks to the functions put on by the school and generous donations by nobles interested in the arts tuition is rather affordable, allowing those who wish to follow their passions to do so without going bankrupt along the way.   Because of this culture the Institute has helped shape some of the greatest artists in the country, and some who went on to impress beyond the country's borders.

Public Agenda

To help foster an environment of creativity and learning so that students can learn and excel in their fields of study.   To keep the arts alive in Odril.


The Institute has grown considerably over the years, from the humble beginnings of a simple hall with a couple of small rooms for classes, to now. The simple hall still stands but is now the entranceway to the Institute, and there have been many additions over the years.   The Institute now has large classrooms, a nice dormitory, many acres of land to the east of the college and a sizeable bankroll to fund further development.


Founded in 11673 by Lorelei, Lorelei used the funds she had gathered while adventuring to build the Institute when she was 31, she poured her heart and soul into the construction of the building and had it had some humble beginnings. At first not many would make the venture to Dalhurst to see a bard who couldn't play music, but Lorelei dug her heels in and pressed ever forward, bringing in teachers, performers and artists to fill the halls and lead the classes.   Over time the humble beginnings grew to a point where students and those interested in the arts were willing to pick up and move across the country to gain an education at the Institute.   Near the end of her days Lorelei had studied while overseeing the school and on her retirement day she played a beautiful swansong, further solidifying her Institute as a place of worthwhile teachings. If Lorelei, who couldn't hold a simple tune in the beginning could play with the best of them then this school was definitely worth its weight in gold.   The Lorelei Institute has been run by a number of folks over the years, but each one upholds the values Lorelei left behind, and all of them are willing to take a chance on someone to watch them blossom.

Open hearts, open doors.