
Odril is a land of relative peace for its peoples, founded ~6000 years ago by the Archmage Fertz Blackcrag and a few others who's names are lost to the crypts after they had destroyed a powerful relic being used by a lich.   Archmage Blackcrag founded Odril on the idea that a collective of the greatest minds in the country would be the best way to lead going forward, and the best failsafe to ensure that corruption among magic users would remain at a minimum.   Legend has it that while Blackcrag was successful in thwarting the lich he was unable to stop the corruption started in the southeastern swamp, and the effects of the corruption linger to this day.
Elven and Dwarven centric capitol   Government: The Magus Consortium    Population: elves, dwarves, humans, gnomes, halflings, etc in less amounts   Languages: common, elven, dwarven, gnomish   Religions: Andoletta, Iomedae, Alseta, Shelyn, Atheism   Primary Exports: fine metals, fine wines, ancient treasures
Geopolitical, Country
Conflicts: the untamed lands are host to many creatures that pose a threat to wandering commoners and trade caravans.   There is a swamp in the southeast corner that has fallen into ruin after Archmage Blackcrag thwarted the lich there.