The Magus Consortium

The Magus Consortium has been well received overall in their duties ruling the country of Odril, which they've been in charge of for almost 6000 years. Some issues take a very long time to be agreed upon but in the end the extra time seems to be worth the wait.   Voting on issues requires at least a majority split of votes to pass or fail, the seventh seat of the Magus Consortium is filled by the Master General .


All 6 of the council members have an equally weighted voice in how the country is run, when a council member decides to step down or is becoming too old to continue their duties they begin training a replacement who will sit in on council meetings and observe for a few years before becoming the new council member. Council members are promoted from within from members who have proven themselves and risen through the ranks of the council chambers. New council members must also be selected from the same school of magic as the councilor they are going to be replacing.   Should a council member disappear or die their replacement can be fast tracked in to a council position, though they are usually on a limited provision for a few years as they are taught their roles and responsibilities.


Core beliefs:
  • Knowledge is the most important wealth anyone can own.
  • A country should look after its people.
  • War should be avoided when possible, and forceful when it is not.

Public Agenda

To keep the peace between neighboring countries, and to seek out and bring in the best magical minds the continent has to offer.   The Consortium seeks out those who have an above average aptitude for magical learning and will invite them to study in Blackcrag, they also seek out the best minds who have learned magic to offer them teaching positions in the universities.   The Consortium also likes to send expeditions to seek out magical artifacts and will pay handsomely for ancient or extremely powerful magical items.


Having been the government of Odril for almost 6000 years they have amassed a lot of wealth through taxes for the country, the Consortium has a vast vault beneath the council building that is incredibly well guarded.   The Consortium oversees the universities as well through periodic meetings with the headmasters of each school to ensure that funding is being allocated for upkeep and materials.   They have a vast library built up over lifetimes, as it stands now the main library in the council building rivals all others in the continent, and is almost as large as the three libraries in the universities combined. Anyone is allowed in to the library, but there are sections that are off limits, and some areas that require direct supervision. New book donations are always welcomed happily at the main library.


Founded in 6095 on the 13th of Erastus by Archmage Fertz Blackcrag who envisioned a country run by a council of arcane masters, and had set out to see his vision become reality.   With a bit of a shaky start the Consortium soon found its footing and declared the boundary lines of Odril, lending their magic for the construction of the border towns to ensure that Odril would be a difficult country to invade.   Through the Consortium's leadership and expertise Odril has seen relative peace along its borders, as most other countries recognize the threat that would be brought upon them should they choose to attack.

Sen nha fendil / millentu nha nielen que - What is known is never forgotten

Current Members:
Founding Date
Government System
Economic System
Market economy