Roderick Silverthorn

  Roderick Silverthorn is a highly respected Professor of Musical Theory at the magical bards college. As a catfolk, Roderick has a natural grace and agility that is reflected in his musical abilities. He is an expert in the theory and composition of music, and his classes are highly sought after by students who are eager to learn from one of the best in the field.   In his personal life, Roderick is known for his meticulous attention to detail. He is a perfectionist who spends countless hours poring over musical compositions and analyzing every nuance and detail. He is always striving to create the perfect piece of music, and he is known for his ability to coax the most beautiful sounds out of even the most difficult instruments.   Despite his intense focus on music, Roderick is also a sociable and friendly individual. He enjoys spending time with his colleagues and students, and he is always willing to offer advice or lend a listening ear. He has a dry wit and a clever sense of humor, and he is able to bring a sense of levity to even the most serious of situations.   Outside of his musical pursuits, Roderick is also an avid collector of rare and exotic musical instruments. He has an extensive collection of instruments from all around the world, and he is always on the lookout for new and unique additions to his collection. He is also a skilled artist and painter, and he has been known to spend hours sketching musical instruments and compositions in his spare time.   Despite his many talents and accomplishments, Roderick is a humble and unassuming individual. He is always willing to learn from others and to share his knowledge with those who are willing to listen. His dedication to his craft and his passion for music have made him a beloved and highly respected member of the magical bards college.  