Spark of the Archon Geographic Location in Harmony | World Anvil

Spark of the Archon

Separating the bustling continents of Akroasia and Gardemoor, the Spark of the Archon, or Xing-hai, is arguably the most important ocean in the world. A necessity for accommodation of both trans- and inter-continental commerce, international and local travels, and transport of essential goods, this sea never sees a break from navies, merchants, explorers, or pirates.


The most complete and accurate history of the area is found in the article about The Archonate.
The majority of recorded history from year -1 PE to late GE has taken place in and around the Spark. The first crossing of the ocean by a group of Human Harmony-worshipers from Akroasia in year -1 PE marked the very beginning of the most influential civilization throughout history. Arriving at the largest island in the Spark in 0 PE, Harmony's Landing, they founded the settlements that created the foundation of the largest city in the world, The Archonate, from which the great Gardemoor Empire grew.

The first crossing was in all probability initiated by worshipers of the Queen of All Seas who likely led ships commissioned by worshipers of Myrmylne. While the worshipers of Myrmylne were setting the foundations of an empire, the sea lovers continued traveling east in the Spark, hoping to reach greater oceans. Our Church Below the Sea on Kraljica Island is thought to have been founded by these sailors. While belief and worship of the Queen of All Seas dwindled in the PE and early GE eras, it later saw a massive increase as more parts of the world was explored. One of the 16 grand temples to the harmonic gods in the Archonate is dedicated to her, and is partially build in the ocean itself.

Through naval supremacy on the Spark, the empire subjugated the entirety of the Cravv Isles, bringing gnomish civilization both to the sea and back home. This would eventually lead to the inclusion of the gnomish/dvarwish Chained Pantheon into the Church of Harmony Pantheon, causing the harmonic beliefs to reach further than ever before.

The dwarves of the Northbound Expedition sort of crossed the ocean by tunneling underneath it in the late GE to the early PGE eras.


The surface currents follow whatever way the wind is blowing, which favors a west-to-east direction. While these currents are practically inconsiderable when it comes to traffic, they are substantial when it comes to the climate around the ocean. Carrying with them the warmth of the Desert of Kalir from the north-east to the shores of every country surrounding it, the Spark is said to host the ideal climate, giving way to the largest civilizations throughout history.

There is a hefty deep water current going eastwards. Starting as a southward surface current in the Pool of Vark, it is a result of the raging Storm. It dies down when reaching the longitude of the Strait of Strauss where it travels into the Golden Sea.

Leaving the ocean going west beyond the north cape of Straussia is considered impossible due to the strong currents of the Pool of Vark.


Spark of the Archon

Originally coined by the people of the Gardemoor Empire, they wanted to name the ocean after their leader, as they did with all things of importance. Archon Claudius I disapproved of the name at first, but as he traveled the sea more and more throughout the early years of the empire, he came to appreciate the serenity of it. "This truly is my ocean!" he proclaimed with love as he eventually gave in and officially approved the name.

Today the name is used by civilizations formerly part of the Gardemoor Empire, or those who were significantly influenced by it.


Before the continent of Gardemoor was settled, Lao-Hua had no official name for this ocean beyond calling it "the sea to the north." As northern civilization grew, however, they felt the need to name it so as to not appear culturally inferior.

Meaning "Ocean of Stars," Xing-Hai was an attempt at paraphrasing and translating "Spark of the Archon" into something less gardian. Whether the attempt was successful or not was not up for debate, and the name remains to this day. It is used by most civilizations on the continent of Akroasia. The Golden Empire, having fairly recently adopted asonian common as its primary language, prefers using the translated term "Ocean of Stars" instead of Xing-hai.
Border and basin countries:
Alternative Name(s)
Xing-hai (in Huan)
The Spark (common nickname)


Interesting Fauna

Feathered Red Whale
by Midjourney
One of the largest creatures found beneath the waves, the adult feathered red whale ranges in length from 15–17 meters and weigh up to 37 metric tons. Known for its curious features of having two blowholes (one placed beside each eye) and its rapidly moving "feathered" tail, it is one of very few things capable of withstanding the strong deep water currents of the Spark. It can reach speeds up to 32 knots in still water. Lucky sailors may spot this mammal leaping out of the sea when it must surface for air, which it does around every two hours.

Though the Streamer is native to Sygyt where they are known to pull ships up river, they have a hard time doing so in the ocean. Nonetheless, they are quite capable swimmers when not being beasts of burden, and thus streamers have spread naturally to other rivers by crossing the Spark. Seeming particularly fond of the rivers of Cravv, people sailing between the isles and Gardemoor may sometimes come upon what looks like a furry island with horns.
Spark of the Archon


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Jan 23, 2023 17:57 by Michael Chandra

I want to hug the Streamers!!! So adorable!!!

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Jan 23, 2023 21:31

Nothing quite as cute as something huge and docile, eh? Thanks for stopping by!

Summer is almost upon us! Check out Freelands!