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A huge spiritually-charged volocano is located in the lowlands northeast of Lake Benath. According to legend and the doctrine of the Ilviran church, Araka-Kalai is the dwelling of the god Ilvir. An ancient tower stands in the center of the volcano's crator, Pit of Ilvir, surrounded by a liquefied, fermenting sludge with a stench that puts to shame all other malodorous humors. Beneath this crumbling tower, in dank, endless caverns, the Accursed Lord of the Barren Cycle is said to spawn his "fatherless multitude" of Ivashu.   Roughly one mile northwest of the Pit is an Ilviran religious community called Ochrynn. And lurking in the catacombs is a mysterious group of Ilvarians called the Dark Order.


Ilvirans deem Araka-Kalai to be highly sacred. Every year some 200-300 hardy followers of this mystic religion make an arduous pilgrimage to the site, mostly via Leriel but sometimes via Shiran across Lake Benath.
Alternative Names
Cynderfell volcano
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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