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Argent Order

This is a combined Clerical and Military order created by the Larani Church, dedicated to rooting out hidden worshipers of the Dark Gods Naveh, Morgath, necromancers, and demon worshiping cults. Founded in The Kingdom of Trierzon by St. Lucidin of Armain in 563 TR and answer directly to the Pontiff.   Although small in number, rarely exceeding two hundred members, they have significant influence. They can call upon aid from any Laranian sources as needed. They are often mistaken as an arm of the Ethelanca (The Holy Office), but they are independent but can draw on these influential organizations' resources.


The Argent Order has a loose structure since most of the members spend much of their time traveling acting as individuals or in small groups.  


The supreme head of the order is Drugan, the Paladin, a pious knight and fanatic enemy of the Undead. He is located in a well-fortified Cathedral at Areshomes in Trierzon and reports directly to the Pontiff. He directs operations and has considerable religious and political clout.  


Each region has a chapter head responsible for dealing with local authorities, assigning missions, and training. All are experienced priests or paladins who have successfully battled evil forces many times in the career. The leader of the Hârnic Chapter is Father Chavoshka.  


Make up the majority of the Order. These warrior-priests act independently or in small groups. Members are gifted Silver Bastard Swords, consecrated by the Pontiff's hands, as both primary weapons and a holy symbol.  


Novices. Usually recruited from the most devoted novice members of the Churches Clerical and Fighting Orders. Occasional competent and devoted adult priests or knights are also recruited. All are trained in specialized combat techniques, spells, and rituals for fighting the dark churches and the Undead, as well as Tala Ma, a unique martial art developed by this Order.  


Clergy or layman who are associates of the Order, providing support and assistance as need. Most are devoted Laranians; however, some members of the Church of Sav K’Nor and Peoni, especially members of the Shield of Belsirasin, offer discreet support. Other associates include the Dwarven craftsmen who forge the Order’s legendary silvers swords, martial artists, Save K’Nor Archivists, the occasional wizard, and surprisingly some members of the thieves’ guild.  

Order Strength

The Order has around thirty members in the Hârn as well as five novices under training. Six Brothers and sisters travel the eastern kingdoms while the remainder is based in the Kingdom of Kanday and the Thardic Republic, seeking out and destroying evil where they can. As the worship of Morgath is legal in the Republic, the order must tread carefully with local authorities.

Public Agenda

  • Destroy undead
  • Destroy the church of Morgath
  • Destroy the church of Naveh
  • Protect the weak and innocent from the evil that dwells in the dark


  • Abbey of St Andrada
  • Ancient archives
  • Subtle, powerful influence over the Church of Larani
  • Black box funding
  • Contacts with elite Azadmere weapon smiths

Foreign Relations

The Argent Order has considerable support and goodwill within the Kingdom of Kanday Kingdom of Kaldor, Kingdom of Chybisa, and Kingdom of Melderyn.   The order is illegal and actively prosecuted in the Kingdom of Rethem and parts of the Kingdom of Orbaal. In the Thardic Republic the order is involved with a secret war with the dark churches of Agrik, Morgath, and Naveh. Most of the Orders resources are directed here complicated by the fact the worship of Morgath and Agrik is legal.

Bring Evil Into the Light

Founding Date
Religious, Inquisitorial
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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