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Larani is the deity of chivalry, the good goddess of battle and the reluctant warrior. Said to dwell in the "Land of the Mighty" in the fortress of Doligthor, she periodically leaves her kingdom to her constable, Mendeiz, and walks among men. Those who follow Larani are expected to display courage, compassion, and unimpeachable honor; she is worshiped by many nobles and knights. Although combat for the sake of honor is permitted, as is tilting according to the rules, serious or martial combat is to be indulged with reluctance. Her loyal adherents are loath to take life if there is an honorable alternative. Almost all of Larani's lay adherents and many of her clerics are warriors of some ability.   On rare occasions, Larani loses her patience and appears as the terrible "Lady of the Flowing Red." In this guise, she bears her awesome ancient symbols: Avarkiel, her mighty battlesword; Hyvrik, her red and white checkered shield; and Angcaradina, her blood-red mail.  


The Primate of her church is the Abbott of Tengela in Trierzon, who is also a powerful secular lord. The seat of the head of the church is in Thay. The ritual garb of the clerics varies according to circumstance and need, but the favored colors are red and white.


Serekela Edine Kynn of Caleme overseas the Church's business throughout Kaldor.   Below him are four Rekela, each in charge of a diocese:   All of the above are members of the clerical order Spear of Shattered Sorrow. Supporting the clerical order is the fighting order of The Lady of Paladins, This fighting order holds extensive lands, and five large chapter houses, each led by a Reblena.

Public Agenda

Exterminate the Solara heathen.
Battle the church of Agrik, do not let it find a foothold.

Demography and Population

Many of the military of the civilized nations of Harn follow Larani, especially nobility.

Tenets of Faith

Courage, compassion, and unimpeachable honor. Mortal comabt is to be indulged only with reluctance.

Granted Divine Powers


In western Harn, the clerical order Checkered Shield sponsors the fighting order Hyvrik.   In eastern Harn, the clerical order Spear of Shattered Sorrow sponsors the fighting order Lady of Paladins.   Throughout Harn, a tiny clerical/fighting order called the Argent Order roots out hidden evil.

Courage, compassion, and unimpeachable honor

"Lady of the Flowing Red, Guardian of
Dolithor, Shield Maiden to Hyvrik, Protector
of the Brave, The Unwilling Warrior, The
Lady of Paladins."

Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What

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