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Calushid Forest

The entire rugged and hilly Calushid Forest is west of the rocky Calusha River, well within the territory of the Aka-Huka and Aka-Pazi Kath, who jealously protect it. The high meadows of Mount Bodari are home to an extended shepherding clan that tends flocks eastward into Endrunel Hundred, where they trade with mercantylers and trappers from Heru on the southern bank of the Kald. Numbering no more than 200, they are mistrusted by both Kaldor and the Kath.

Forest Hundred

Kaldor’s unpopulated regions are administered by forest wardens with assistance from paid royal foresters. The wardens are charged with protecting and exploiting resources for the benefit of the crown. Although forest wardens are answerable to the sheriff, in practice they are the sole arbiters of law and order within their hundreds. Poachers may be captured and bound over to the sheriff for justice but it is not uncommon for a forest warden to resolve the issue directly.
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Harn - Who
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Harn - What


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