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The Ivinians are newcomers to Hârn. They a seafaring Northmen who invaded the kingdoms of Jara, along Hârns northern coasts, founding the Kingdom of Orbaal.   The Ivinians tend to be tall, with light hair and eyes. They are boisterous, warlike and skilled traders. Their dragonships inspire fear throughout the world. Ivinians are very similar to the Vikings of Terra.   The Ivinians are best known for their piracy, a tradition that all coastal peoples in northwestern Lythia have come to dread. In hard economic times, various clans take to the sea in their dragonships and go viking, that is, raiding and pillaging coastal villages and towns. The golden age of viking may have passed, yet recent attempts to sack Thay were a potent reminder that the mercenary sea power of Ivinian clansmen is still to be feared.


Shared customary codes and values

Women marry out of clan and command high bride prices, so high that many men are unable to marry. One of the inevitable results of this is that many of the young men venture forth to seek their fortunes in foreign lands; money earned in this way is their own property and may be used to purchase brides. A clansman who serves the clan with distinction is often rewarded with a purchased bride, but most will not wait on the generosity of the Thrangaad. Only about half those who emigrate return to their homeland.

Major organizations

Encompassed species
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Harn - What


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