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Orbaal is a pre-feudal state in northeastern Harn ruled by King Alegar II From Geldenheim . The region was formerly called Jara until the Kingdom of Orbaal was proclaimed in 686 after the Ivinian conquest of the indigenous Jarin. It is a very unstable realm, where less than 8,000 rowdy and ungovernable Ivinians have subjugated about 65,000 rebellious Jarin. Orbaal is really a host of semi-independent squabbling domains. Small clans pay tribute to more powerful ones who in turn pay it to the king. The clans are constantly fighting among themselves, each going their own way with very little interference from the king, whose only real claim to the crown is that he has the biggest and most powerful domain.   Racial stratification has led to serious tensions in Orbaalese society and several rebellions have been put down with considerable bloodshed. The few remaining major landholding Jarin lords are a significant divisive faction, with some promoting unrest and plotting the expulsion of the hated “barbarians” from their native soil.   They are known for piracy, a tradition that all coastal peoples in northwestern Lythia have come to dread. In hard economic times, various clans take to the sea in their dragonships and go viking, that is, raiding and pillaging coastal villages and towns. The golden age of viking may have passed, but recent attempts to sack the city of Thay were a potent reminder that the mercenary sea power of Ivinian clansmen is still to be feared. There have been three Orbaalese kings since 686, all members of Clan Taareskeld of Geldeheim. King Alegar II faces considerable problems ruling his fractious realm. Both the Ivinians and Jarin are freedom-loving, rowdy, and rebellious. In addition, the Ivinian kingdoms of Rogna, Menglana, and Seldenbaal all regard Orbaal as a colony and periodically demand tribute, lthough none has been given for many years.   The region is also home to two semi-nomadic nations, the Anoa and the Ymodi, who have withstood the previous Jarin lords and current Ivinian conquerors, frequently bloodying the noses of any would-be overlords. The rugged Jahl Mountains shelter several tribes of gargun and other dangerous creatures, including yelgri, Ivashu, and even dragons; travel there is hazardous.

A pre-feudal state in northeast Hârn ruled by King Alegar II from Geldeheim. The region was formerly called Jara until the Kingdom of Orbaal was proclaimed in 686 after the Ivinian conquest of the indigenous Jarin. It is a very unstable realm, where less than 8,000 rowdy and ungovernable Ivinians have subjugated about 65,000 rebellious Jarin. Orbaal is really a host of semi-independent squabbling clan domains, the smaller of which owe tribute to more powerful clans who, in turn, owe it to the king in Geldeheim. Some call the larger domains "kingdoms" and the king at Geldeheim an "overking" or "pendragon," but the Orbaalese are not as formal about titles as the rest of Hârn.   The basic unit of Orbaalese society is the clan, ruled by a Valhakar (clanhead) who is aided by the Thrangaad, a council of all males with three or more wives. The latter elects the former, but any member of the Thrangaad has the traditional right to challenge for the leadership by trial of combat. There are no fixed rules of succession.   Orbaalese clans are constantly squabbling and fighting among themselves, each going their own way with very little interference from the king, whose only real claim to the crown is that he has the biggest and most powerful domain. Ninety percent of the population is still Jarin, most serving as slaves and thralls (serfs) to their Ivinian masters, although a few still hold land. This racial stratification has led to serious tensions in Orbaalese society and there have been several Jarin rebellions, which were put down only with considerable bloodshed. The landholding Jarin are a significant divisive faction, with some promoting unrest and plotting the expulsion of the hated "barbarians" from their native soil.   DOMAIN: CLAN Geldeheim: Taareskeld Ebein: Gydasael Fjaga: Staeld Shien: Hammarkel Tawheim: Zwaiga Zynholm: Saargax   Arathel: Cyeen Pjagel: Baelinsen Vold: Maaren Wethom: Kyrodwe   Keiren: Galbart Hjael: Erlanger Teryff: Sirajud Utera: Laksit   Leriel*: Marwyn Gwaeryn*: Aeryn Pethwys*: Weymyss   Lorkin: Geldestaar Arone: Hulthard Shese: Haidaar   Marby: Serewy Antir: Fyrdael Asax: Atejaal   Pled: Storzand Pyberg: Algaar Thrand: Trajaka   Quimen: Crimson Dancer   Sherwyn: Sherwyn Kjen: Ekkart Thoen: Mordauk   Tandir: Verakaar Gyfyn: Djagg Quiam: Burgastau   Vaagel: Karolaan Aaldem: Taaresaar Daasen: Daasen   Zuden: Ruindael Mul: Gurtak Thursa: Sardosk   * Jarin Held   At its base, Orbaalese society is essentially the same as that of the rest of Hârn. Scattered around the major settlements are dozens of small villages, many of them fortified and all governed by relatives or trusted retainers of the great clan. Most of the land is worked by Jarin thralls.




The rural settlements owe tribute to the ruling great clan of a nearby keep or castle. At these settlements, there will likely be a number of clans who may not hold any land at all. These will have their own economic specialities and will enjoy monopolistic rights over their activities; these are the Orbaalese equivalent of guilds. Young men and women who wish to undertake an occupation not practiced by their own clans may be adopted by another clan in an elaborate ceremony.


All Ivinian males are trained in arms but the Jarin thralls are forbidden any weapons. The noble clans generally maintain a standing army of their own members and of warriors received as tribute from tributary clans.

Location: Northestern Harn
Atlas Maps: G1-3, H1-3, I1-3, J1-3, K1-3
Government: Monarchy
King: King Alegar II, of clan Taareskeld
Culture: Feudal / Viking
Population: 73,0000
Royal Seat: Geldenheim
Largest Town: Keiren (pop. 820)

Exports: Furs/hides, amber, honey, whale & seal products
Religions: Sarajin , Ilvar , Siem
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations
Harn - Where
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Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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