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Jedes Keep was built in 350 and used as a base by Fierth the Usurper during the Kaldoric Civil War. The keep was severely damaged during the power struggle that followed the death of King Iemald. Haldan the Elder granted Jedes to Clan Dariune in 603. It took 20 years for Clan Dariune to rebuild the keep to its current form. A wharf now facilitates communication with Tashal, 14 leagues upriver.   Constable Shernath Mirdarne holds Jedes for Earl Dariune of Kiban. Sir Shernath is a childhood friend of Earl Dariune and one of his most trusted advisors. He is a strong leader who has benefited from extra toll revenues since Lead and Copper mines opened to the south. These mines are on the edge of Pagaelin territory and the Miners’ Guild has a contract with the constable to provide guards. Sir Shernath has also improved the roads to Kolorn and Hutop.   King Miginath is fond of Jedes and the mineral springs at nearby Bromeleon; he spends more time here, at the earl’s expense, than at any other fief except Olokand. Secret meetings took place at Jedes to negotiate Miginath’s return from exile in Chybisa. Jedes is a renowned center of horse breeding. Ostler Iriel of Haskew from Jedes is the Guildmaster of Eastern Hârn. An unusually high percentage of Jedes steeds are grays or whites. The rumor that they are crossbreeds between Reksyni and Shava Horses (unicorns) is neither confirmed nor denied by local breeders.   Earl Dariune is interested in the construction of a bridge over the Kald at Jedes. He knows this would divert some Salt Route profit to his coffers but the estimates of cost, including a Keep on the west bank, exceed his treasury. In his capacity as Lord Chancellor, the earl intrigues to have the bridge funded by the Royal Treasury. No definitive petition has been drafted for the king’s consideration.


Industry & Trade

Exports: Cattle , Copper , Grain , Horses , Lead   Import: Iron , Linen , Salt , Sheep , Silver , Stone , Tin


The Jedes Fair, Kaldor’s largest horse fair, takes place annually from the 25th to the 30th of Kelen. The fair includes a tournament and a number of horse racing events. The king and his court always attend.

Founding Date
Outpost / Base
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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