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Kanir Forest

The dark and forbidding Kanir Forest borders the Sorkin Mountains at the farthest edge of the kingdom. A wild and pristine area inhabited by Taelda and Gargun, much of the region is unknown to civilized Kaldor. Dense Sorkin Spruce and mossy ancient oaks cover much of Kanir, divided by rushing streams and rocky granite outcroppings. The Miners’ Guild has sponsored a few unsuccessful expeditions for silver deposits. None have been undertaken since several miners were crushed by a huge boulder somehow dislodged from a stable hillside.  

Forest Hundred

Kaldor’s unpopulated regions are administered by forest wardens with assistance from paid royal foresters. The wardens are charged with protecting and exploiting resources for the benefit of the crown. Although forest wardens are answerable to the sheriff, in practice they are the sole arbiters of law and order within their hundreds. Poachers may be captured and bound over to the sheriff for justice but it is not uncommon for a forest warden to resolve the issue directly.
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
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Harn - How
Harn - What


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