Maldan Harabor
Sheriff Maladan Harabor
Olokand is the seat of Clan Elendsa, the royal family of Kaldor. It is strategically located on the western bank of the Kald River and guards the Elendsa Bridge and the Fur Road linking Kaldor to Orbaal.
The first stone fortification at Olokand dates from 128. It survives as Sanric Tower, named for the founder of the Kingdom of Nurelia. The castle, built between 379 and 384 by King Fierth, incorporated Sanric Tower into its large keep.
Olokand has a population of about 800 that swells to thousands in the late spring when the Fur Road caravans arrive from Orbaal, and again in summer for the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry. The king spends four months a year in Olokand, arriving in late Peonu and returning to Tashal by the end of summer.
In the king’s absence, Olokand is governed by the Sheriff of Meselyne, Sir Maldan Harabor, Miginath’s eldest (but unacknowledged) bastard son. He has been sheriff and Constable since 699. Sir Maldan is ruthless and ambitious; his desire for the throne is undoubted. Illegitimacy is a serious impediment to his ambitions but as long as the king lives, acknowledgement is possible. Meanwhile, his power and influence as Constable of Olokand and Sheriff of Meselyne is immense.
Following the Jarin Rebellion of 701–03, scores of refugee families fled south to Kaldor. The sheriff accepted those that came to Olokand as serfs, distributing The refugee families among favored manors. Ilviran rites and worship are common in the region and Olokand has always benefited from layovers by Ilviran pilgrims bound for ArakaKalai via the Fur Road.
Year of Birth
672 TR
49 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
unacknowledged illegitimate son of king
Ruled Locations