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Siem is a benign god of mystery and shadow, magic and dreams, a wielder of esoteric powers and a knower of secrets. At one time, Siem was foremost of the gods of Hârn, said to have been lord of the Sindarin in residence on Hârn. Before the coming of men, Siem laid down his scepter and quit Hârn in favor of the Blessed Realm.

On occasion, Siem still answers the call of his Hârnic followers. The power he and his servants wield is subtle; the deity sends dreams that purge unpleasant memories. He is far more apt to confuse an enemy than slay him outright or bestow martial powers.

A highly mystical symbol of Siem and of his religion is the Azure Bowl. Sindarin legends, old even when they first reached Hârn, describe the artifact as being connected with “the making, the holding, and the very spilling forth of the stars.” If the original Azure Bowl ever existed, no mortal has ever seen it, but several facsimiles have been constructed. Although many Azure Bowls are undoubtedly the work of charlatans and of only aesthetic interest, some are authentic “gazing bowls.” If one of these is filled with clear, fresh water, visions are apt to occur while gazing within; the spiritual fiber of the gazer, and possibly that of observers, may be altered, most likely in a benign way.

Several of Siem’s demi-divine underlings, notably Sereniel and Sweldre, are more accessible than the deity and may be worshiped directly. Sereniel is said to intercede at his master’s court on behalf of the Khuzdul. According to their mythology, it was Sereniel who breathed life into the Khuzdul to wake them from their long slumber. Sweldre is believed to intercede before the throne of Siem on behalf of the Sindarin.

Cosmological Views

They are fond of symbolism and magic and attach much significance to the stars and twilight.


They rarely build temples, preferring to worship under the stars in sacred forest glades.


Siem’s priesthood is minute. Known as Inthiars, they are wielders of illusion and keepers of ancient secrets.

Granted Divine Powers


There are two primary Siem sects:
Elven order of Siem
Dwarven order of Siem

“Master of the Lords of Dream, Lord
of the Thrice-Blessed Realm, King of the
Uttermost West, Spirit of the Sundered
Ones, Bringer of Blessed Forgetfulness,
Lord of the Azure Bowl.”
Religious, Organised Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What

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