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Troda Dariune

Earl Troda Dariune

714 Troda Dariune became the head of the Dariune Clan, when Scina Dariune's, the elder, his father, health began to decline.   Kiban is the seat of Sir Troda Dariune, Earl of Balim. It was founded around 165 as a frontier post of Serelind, then given to the Earl of Pagostra in 188 after Kaldor was founded. It was made a keep around 300 and was the site of the final battle of the Kaldoric Civil War in 377, when it was granted to Clan Dariune. The castle was built between 605 and 653. In 703, construction began on a town wall, which is unfinished.   Sir Troda, 46, is a vigorous, good-humored, intelligent man. His mother was Princess Kethele Elendsa, which gives him a claim to the throne. Negotiations are underway to betroth his eldest son, Scina, with Princess Cheselyne Elendsa. She has a strong claim to the throne, as would any children of the marriage.   From the 9th to the 12th of Peonu, the town comes alive with the annual Feast of Saint Yselde. Doorways and windows are festooned with woven wreaths of spring flowers and bundles of wheat. It is great fun for the peasants, with much dancing and matchmaking.   The festival includes mock combat and jousting by men mounted on the backs of other men and armed with sheaves of wheat. The storytelling contest draws some of the best storytellers in the kingdom. On the night of the 11th, the earl hosts a grand feast and a bonfire for all his serfs within walking distance.   Another highlight is the longbow contest sponsored by the earl. Participation is by invitation only and is limited to yeomen. The earl awards the grand prize of 120d and an Emelrene longbow.


Troda Dariune


Towards Olena Dariune

Olena Dariune


Towards Troda Dariune

Current Location
Year of Birth
673 TR 48 Years old
Olena Dariune (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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