Gargun Species Overview

They have many names; Foulspawn, Goblins, Orcs. Hârn's Gargun are a race of small, malevolent, intelligent humanoids. They are the most aggressive and barbaric of the intelligent culture-forming Harnic species. They also the most alien, dramatically distinct from Humans, Khuzudul, and Sindarin in origin, biology, society.
  Believed to be created or brought to Hârn by Lothrim the Foulspawner. Lothrim used the fast breeding Gargun warriors as shock troops, allowing him to replace his military losses, preserve his better trained elite human troops, and rapidly expand his empire. The Gargun are one of Lothrim's more vile legacies, the creatures outlived their “creator” and by 250TR had spread throughout the island.
  All Gargun have an abiding hatred for the Khuzdul and will, if there is any chance of victory, attack any dwarves they happen upon. The two races have a long history of mutual animosity dating from the Gargun’s first appearance on Hârn and the subsequent Carnage of Kiraz.

Basic Information


Gargun are warm-blooded bi-pedal humanoid creatures. Generally smaller than humans, they range from 3' to 6' tall. Their bodies are covered with coarse fur of varying colors, they have large eyes and naturally sharp teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gargun differ greatly from Hârn’s other culture forming races, more akin to insects than mammals, Gargun have a unique biology, especially when it comes to reproduction; Gargun are an egg-laying species. Gargun communities are organized around a fertile queen. The leading male who is able to slay or dominate all other rivals wins the right of sexual access to a female Gargun. Once impregnated the chosen female becomes the queen of that particular tribe or band of Gargun. The queen becomes sedentary, growing extremely obese, and begins to lay eggs. Typically a Gargun queen will produce between 5 to 30 eggs a day when she is fertile.  Gargun queens are most prolific for eight to twelve years of age.
  About ten percent of Gargun hatch as females. Female Gargun who are sexually exposed to a male Gargun for a few days will become fertile. Since only one queen per species, per colony, can be tolerated at a time, the tribe will either cull young female Gargun by eating them or more commonly the females will be segregated from the males, these princess Gargun form the "Queens Guard" and are some of the most vicious fighters in the tribe.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gargun eggs are taken by the queen or princesses and placed in a pit of offal, where the eggs are kept warm by the decaying compost. The eggs gestate for three to six months at which point the Gargun young hatch. Any sickly or malformed Gargun hatchlings are immediately attacked and eaten by their siblings. Newborn Gargun are born with basic instinctual memories or “racial memory” and require only a few hours to mature enough to walk on their own and are able to take care of themselves. Their racial memories include basic language, social mores, knowledge of fighting, hunting, and other skills. Moreover, each sub-species seem to possess more knowledge in particular skills than others. While they are born knowing certain skills they are quite capable of learning new things. Because of this racial memory, Gargun society is almost static.
  Gargun also possess an innate desire to submit to authority. The dominating authority must rule tyrannically and mercilessly, any show of weakness will invite challengers. Males who can rule with an iron hand and eliminate all other contenders, to achieve the status of tribal chief or king earn the right to mate with the queen.

Ecology and Habitats

Gargun inhabit a range of climates from alpine and mountainous to forests and swamps. They can be found all over Hârn. While they can live in camps out of doors, due their aversion to sunlight they prefer to live in caves either natural of their own creation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

By choice, Gargun eat only meat and sometimes keep food animals. They will not hesitate at cannibalism and very much enjoy eating human or Khuzan flesh; sometimes they kill their food before dining. As a rule, Gargun are nocturnal, hunting and raiding only at night; sunlight seems to demoralize them.

Biological Cycle

When the population pressure in any Gargun settlement grows beyond the ability of the environment to support it, there will occur either a bloody civil war or a swarming. Civil wars can kill up to 90% of the male population in an uncontrollable orgy of bloodletting, perhaps lasting a mere hour. A swarm occurs when a significant number of powerful males, perhaps 40%, seizes the queen or a princess and fight their way out to freedom. Once they have escaped their current lair, the swarm will attempt to establish a new community. A swarm can be extremely unpleasant for any settlements or parties caught in its path.


Gargun as a rule are amoral and prone to violence. They seek always to dominate the weak and will attack when they think success is in their favor. They fight constantly amongst themselves seeking dominance over each other. They can be negotiated with but only if they percieve the other party as stronger. Colonies are dominated by a ruthless individual has fought their way to the top of the hierarchy and becomes the recognized leader. A leader can never show weakness or fail too often lest they be challenged. Any method may be used to become leader, from a public duel, murder, backstabbing or subterfuge is acceptable to achieve dominance. Leaders don't live long in Gargun society.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Colonies of Gargun are organized in a strict but ever shifting hierarchy. A male leader who has fought, murdered, and tricked his way to leadership dominates the colony. All remaining members fight each other to determine their position within the hierarchy. The hierarchy determines the division of labor, order of feeding and portion sizes, and sexual access to the queen. Only the male leader has sexual access to the queen, though on rare occasions a lesser Gargun may trick his way to sexual congress with the queen.

Facial characteristics

Fur covered faces with prominent brow ridges. Large eyes, jutting jaws with exposed canines and flat noses. Generally considered ugly by human standards.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Varies by species, they tend to gravitate towards hilly and mountainous wilderness regions with ample game supplies.

Average Intelligence

On average Gargun are more cunning than intelligent, most are considered dumb compared to humans.  However, certain individuals can be very intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gargun have good night vision, hearing, and sense of smell.  They do not like bright sunlight and are generally nocturnal.
Gargun Species
Gargu-Araki or Streaked Orc
Gargu-Kyani or White Orc
Gargu-Hyeka or Brown Orc
Gargu-Viasal or Red Orc
Gargu-Khanu or Black Orcs

Scientific Name
Unkown / Possibly Sorcerous
10 - 50 years, usually much shorter.
Average Height
Average height varies by species and ranges from between 3' - 6'.
Average Weight
Average weight varies by species and ranges from between 60# - 250#.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Varies by species.

Cover image: by Richard Luschek
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