Lia-Kavair, The Thieves Guild

The Lia-Kavair are organized criminals colloquially known as the thieves guild. The thieves guild is a loose association of criminal organizations across Hârn and the continent of Lythia.
  In addition to traditional crimes such as robbery, burglary and thievery, the Lia-Kavair typically control various rackets such as; Protection schemes, Kidnapping, Fencing rackets, Drug Trafficking, Black Marketeering, Gambling, Corruption, Counterfeiting, Prostitution, Slaving, Impressment, Smuggling, Extortion, Loan Sharking, Fraud, Murder for Hire, Influence Peddling, Confidence Schemes, Piracy and Bribery.
  The guild has no official recognition but receives tacit support from powerful groups who turn a blind eye because it tends to keep criminal activity predictable and within certain boundries. The guild is often associated with the Church of Naveh and is known to provide skilled assassins when needed.
  The Lia-Kavair maintains the status quo with strict but unwritten rules prevent any segment of society from being over-victimized, which is bad for business. Troublesome “unguilded” criminals tend to quietly disappear or are betrayed to the authorities for punishment. The guild's regional authority is weak but a single chapter headed by one guildmaster usually dominates a given town.


The organization of the Lia-Kavair varies widely. Some groups are strong vertical hierarchies, some are more autonomous horizontal groups based on blood ties, some are simple gangs.
  The Lia-Kavair tends to be an urban organization and its chapters are generally confined to the larger townships of western Lythia. Rural brigands are seldom official guild members but may have connections with the closest chapter. In some cities, there are criminal activities that the local Lia-Kavair is either uninterested in (generally because they are very risky or unprofitable) or too weak to exercise control of. In fact, the difference between Lia-Kavair and “unguilded” thieves is very indistinct and is usually only of importance to the miscreants themselves. The boss of a Lia-Kavair chapter is either called the “Patron,” “Father,” or (most often) “Guildmaster.” His chief lieutenants are known as “masters” or “sons” and the remaining thieves known as “apprentices,” “journeymen,” or “brothers and sisters.”   Simple gangs or bandits generally have a leader and subordinates. Often times these gangs will work for an organized criminal group, whether knowingly or unknowingly.


The culture of each group of the Lia-Kavair varies, however, they all seek earn as much profit by any means necessary while remaining free to enjoy their ill gotten gains.
  The Thieves Guild seeks to discourages unguilded members operating in their territories or becoming too conspicuous for the authorities to ignore. Secrecy and discretion are the watch words of the Lia-Kaviar, he guild will rarely intervene to free or defend a member who has been caught, nor would such intervention be effective with most governments. The cardinal rules are; “never get caught and never talk," if a member is caught they will be disavowed and are expected to keep thier mouths shut.

Public Agenda

Lia-Kavair? Never heard of that.


Varies by group.


The name Lia-Kavair is derived from the Azeryani words that translate as “Our Family Together.” The first known use of this phrase was by the brigand leader Salman of Sinan, who operated in northwestern Azeryan during the fifth century TR. At the height of his career, Salman was one of the most powerful forces in the region. His agents were located in several dozen settlements, gathering information, undertaking independent operations, and paying tribute to Salman. When he died, the power struggle for control of his semi-covert empire drove many of his lieutenants and their followers into exile. Since they were better organized and more efficient than existing criminals in their new homes, they tended to take over the control of illicit activities there. The organizational model has remained basically the same ever since.
Weapons popular with the Lia-Kavair include the, Taburi Throwing Knife and Nachakas, Hand Flail.
Founding Date
5th Century TR
Player Tips: Players who have character's that engage in criminal activities may run afoul of the local Lia-Kavair.

Cover image: HarnWorld Caravan by Columbia Games, Richard Luschek


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