
The Lord of the Starlit Realm most often appears as an elven lord garbed in a mantle of flowing green and silver, with a wreath of stars upon his head. His face and body bear no clue of age, but his eyes project wisdom, and his aura projects confused feelings of strength and longing. Siem is surrounded by an air of sadness, of “otherwhereness.”

The King of the Uttermost West, Siem is the eldest wisest of the gods, and is patient above all others. Siem was first offered, but refused, the guardianship of the llimitable Tome, nominating Save-K’nor in his stead.

Siem is known for his sending of pleasant and oracular dreams, and for the gift of forgetfulness, the salve of unpleasant memories. His actions are subtle, effective, more apt to confuse than harm.

While, there is no true church of Siem, there is a body of beliefs common to worshippers of Siem defining acts that are considered reverent and actions that are abhorrent. Most worshippers of Siem delve into Natural Mysteries, ancient secrets about the ordering of life, that extend back to the time Siem resided on Kethira. Once these mysteries are mastered, the adherent may act to protect the natural order from that which would destroy it. It is considered improper to act in ignorance. The sincere adherent is a moral entity, compassionate, trustworthy, and one who strives towards greater wisdom and patience. Siem is forgiving; those who fail are not condemned, only those who do not try.

Lord of the Starlit Realm,
Leader of the Fey,
Augur of Omens,
Soother of Troubled Spirits,
Bringer of Thrice Blessed Forgetfulness,
King of the Uttermost West,
Comfort of the Sundered Lost,
Spirit of Mysts,
Timeless Lord of the Azure Bowl.

Cover image: by Columbia Games Inc
Character Portrait image: by Columbia Games Inc


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