Uthriem Roliri, Rangers of Harn

A brotherhood of human woodsmen and hunters. The Brotherhood of the Forest was founded by followers of Siem in the foothills of the Sorkin Mountains in the second century TR as a reaction to the depredations committed by Gargun.

The Uthriem Roliri's primary goal is protecting the wilderness and its wildlife from the Gargun to ensure it remains as pristine as possible. A second focus of the Uthriem Roliri is to protect the wilderness from their fellow humans. The expansion of agricultural land, large-scale deforestation due to mining operations, charcoaling, and similar aspects of civilized life concern the Uthriem Roliri.

The extent to which they should oppose these activities is a controversial issue among the Brotherhood. Although most Brothers view the spread of civilization as inevitable, there are some who see any harm to the wilderness as desecration and oppose it vigorously.

The Uthriem Roliri are the closest thing to an organized group in the 'Church of Siem'. They are a secretive brotherhood, consisting mostly of humans intent on protecting the natural world from the predations of all, Humans, Gargun, etc. The Uthriem Roliri hold the Sindar in the highest esteem and seek to emulate them and their lifestyle.

The Uthriem Roliri exists only on Hârn. The brotherhood rarely has more than several hundred members, preferring to remain a small and elite group.


The Uthriem Roliri are loosely organized and widely dispersed. Most Brothers know only the other local members and a few Tamsen Roliri.


Most Brothers act as Rangers, patrolling an assigned region and watching for signs of Gargun or any activity that could harm the wilderness. Rangers are highly mobile, living for months on end out of temporary encampments, with friendly tribes, or simply under the stars. They monitor the woodlands for blights, rusts, and other plant diseases and keep an eye on the health of key wildlife populations.

Rangers are mostly self-supporting, living off the land for much of the year. Some earn coin as military scouts, expedition guides, cartographers, and Gargun hunters. Many are skilled herbalists who generate income selling valuable herbs to apothecaries.


The Guardians coordinate the activities of several Rangers in a region. Guardians are chosen for their spiritual attunement, as they tend the sacred Taur-im-Aina groves near their Rola-Taur. The period of training and contemplation required to become a Guardian also results in ordination as an Inthiar. Guardians work with trusted craftsmen, farmers, and local Tamsen Roliri to provide some supplies for the Rangers.


The Wardens are regional leaders, getting reports from and coordinating the efforts of Guardian and Ranger teams. They serve as historians and repositories of knowledge, collecting information on plant diseases and the skills and tactics of the various barbarian and Gargun tribes in their areas. This information is shared with the other Wardens throughout Hârn by using Rangers or Tamsen Roliri as messengers.

Wardens tend to be well connected in their communities. Many serve powerful nobles as woodwards, foresters, or huntsmen, or in other positions of power. Many a Warden has been successful in educating his liege and his vassals in better conservation of the wildlands. A few Wardens are themselves members of the nobility. Strong political connections make Wardens invaluable to the order.

The Council of Wardens

The Council of Wardens meets every few years, or as needed, to coordinate activities, resolve disputes, and handle external affairs. The Council selects one of its own to act as Marshal of the Brotherhood in situations that require one voice.


Siemist beliefs are an integral part of life in the Uthriem Roliri. Through contemplation and mastery of the Natural Mysteries (ancient secrets about the ordering of life), the Siemist adherent comes to understand the natural order and how to protect it. Although the Uthriem Roliri is a lay organization, this attunement to nature leads some Brothers to become enlightened holy men, or Inthiar. These Brothers are given special responsibilities within the Uthriem Roliri, such as tending to the forest groves that are sacred to Siem.

There is no central church of Siem. Siemism is a matter of the heart and soul, not of doctrine. In this sense, there are no worshipers of Siem, only those who worship the beauty with which he is associated. The sincere adherent is a moral entity, compassionate and trustworthy, and one who strives towards greater wisdom and patience.

Although all Brothers abhor cruelty towards animals, they see hunting as the natural way. They kill only what they need for food and offer a prayer to Siem over their fallen prey. Trapping animals solely for furs or entertainment is repugnant to the Uthriem Roliri.

Demography and Population

Several hundred members scattered accross Hârn.


The Brotherhood's territory includes all of Hârn, especially wilderness areas.


The Uthriem Roliri are Siemists.

Becoming An Uthriem Roliri Character

Founding Date
2nd Century TR
Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
Brotherhood of the Forest, Rangers
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Related Ethnicities
Tamsen Roliri

Though not members of the Uthriem Roliri, the Tamsen Roliri are known as the “Kindred of the Forest,” and are a vital part of its mission. Called “Cousins” by the Brotherhood, they are trusted people (mostly Siemists) who are sympathetic to the cause and help the Brotherhood by relaying messages and providing supplies and shelter. Many are farmers, woodsmen, and hunters, but others are local guildsmen.

Cover image: HarnWorld Caravan by Columbia Games, Richard Luschek
Character flag image: by Attacus


Author's Notes

Inspiration and some content from Columbia Games Uthriem Roliri Article.
Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games, Inc.

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