Arcane Sanctum Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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Arcane Sanctum

Arcane Sanctum is where the Arcane Guild govern from.   The Sanctum was a tall building, set in the middle of some water features. There was a large fountain at the entrance around a central statue of an Elven figure drawing energy from the sky and from the ground. The stone had been polished by the water over years of emersion, and the water droplets reflected the purples of The Wrath as it flowed. This gave the statue a hazy mauve glow, a warm feeling of welcoming and of awe. It was quite beautiful and seemed almost out of place, for a building dedicated as it was to maintaining order and intellectual politics.  
Alternative Names
The Sanctum; Mages Tower; Elven Tower
Tower, Mage
Owning Organization


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