Arcane Guild Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Arcane Guild

The Arcane Guild allowed their minds and bodies to be well tuned to the forces that pushed and pulled the world around them. Elves could naturally sense vibrations and see spectrums that no other beings could. They could tap into what was around them, a master of their environment, a conduit to the divine. Powerful families in Häusken grew from Elven lineage, and association with the Arcane Guild – with such power came respect and fear.   There is a sub-group of the Arcane Guild called the Shadow Council.  

The Large Hall

This is where the Arcane Council conviene (made up of seven council members and the the Chamberlin). There are eight large back chairs, around an ovular pool. Across the window it reads ‘Lest Fidulem Ist Non Str’ne Sanctae’ (with trust in our sovereign Arcane).

The Elven Seven

The Elven Seven are seven Elven families that are considered the most powerful and influential families especially regarding their use of magic. They are not part of the Tower Council but are recognised in Sanctuary Day celebrations with the representations of flowers used as each families emblem.  

The Arcane Guild Emblem

The emblem used by the Arcane Guild was designed by one of the founding members of the Guild, and uses key elements associated to magic, nature and the elves that the majority of those in the Arcane Guild.
  • sheild - signifying the power defence that comes with magic
  • dagger - a weapon carried and used by mages both for protection but also in ritual
  • moon and stars - celstial bodies are important to understanding the movement and power of magic and casting
  • sun rays - like the light that comes from natures magic, sun rays represent the outward energy and reach of magic
  • medial triangle - to show the balance and prosicion required for mind, body, spirit, and magic
Elven people like you and I are connected to everything, and the universe binds us to the magic and we use Arcane to guide our intuition. This is why the Arcane Guild is an important place for any Elf to study under, and an aspiration for us all.
Guild, Mages
Controlled Territories


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