Blind Karl Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Blind Karl

Blind Karl was a homeless man who lived out of the trashcans and alleyways on Rudder Street. His murder was witnessed by Detective Sally Romanov who was a Constuble at the time.  
Ward Four - A blind man to know the darkness.
  Five Wards Unknown to anyone but Merakesh Larkin, Blind Karl was a name on his list and was assassinated for one of his Blood Magic wards.   The scar on Merakesh's right arm has been covered with a tattoo to help conceal the blood magic from all those who may see his arm. The tattoo that covers ward four is a coiled snake in a tight circle, mouth open ready to bite with its large fangs.
61 at death
Date of Birth
2nd Of Frost, 332 YAW
Date of Death
2nd Of Oak, 393 YAW
332 YAW 393 YAW
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Merakesh for one of his blood magic wards
Place of Death
Alleyway off Rudder Street
blind and covered with bandages
Grey and disheveled


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