Merakesh Larkin Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Merakesh Larkin

Merakesh Larkin (a.k.a. Kesh; The Dark; Brother; Wolf)

“I’m no longer in darkness,” he sighed. “I am The Dark.”
  Sliding to the floor, the anger and confusion he felt inside had paralysed him, it humbled him, it threw the world upside down and he saw himself as others would – a monster in obscurity, a stealer of light, a bringer of death, a destroyer of worlds – The Dark.  
Unang ipin’nak, yana’tong mai dugo at taram. Kadilmin re pamlarc, la nati’hinja ba chula chu’ka.” First born, lead with blood and blade. Hold true the hunt, and keep thy darkness close.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Merakesh has been embued with Blood Magic and has 5 wards on his right arm. They are hidden amongst other tattoos to hide their true purpose as blood magic is forbidden.  
Ward Victim Fate Ties
1. a young boy to know the shadows  
Simon Ludwig He was the son of Ludwig who dissappeared in the market place a couple of blocks from Rudder Street
2. a new born child to know lady luck  
Lance Holton 4 days old boy, and born to a very wealthy and influential couple.
3. a virgin bride to know dissuade  
Prudence Timmons She was the wife of John Timmons - a mark given to Merakesh later. She is the twin sister of Felicia Redfield - the leader of LOD.
4. a blind man to know the darkness  
Blind Karl A homeless man found in the alley by Sally Romanov when she was a Constable.
5. a healing priest to know the blood  
Priest Silas Found by police.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Tall, slender but muscular
  • Suffered a stab wound in his left side which has been healing

Identifying Characteristics

Tinatoa Features
  • Tribal tattoos cover his arms, legs, chest, back, and neck
  • No tattoos on his face
  Blood Magic Features
  • He has five scars on his arm which have been covered by tattoos

Special abilities

Daemonkin Features
  • Inherritted a wolf-like sense of smell, it is extremely powerful and can become a hinderance is his mask or nose plugs malfunction or are removed
  • Has large canine teeth
  • Growls and howls like a wolf
  • Can see well in the dark

Apparel & Accessories

Usual outfit
  • dark coloured leathers to protect himself in a fight
  • black cloak with large hood
  • boots and greaves
  • A re-breather which meant that Merakesh had to wear a mask over his nose and mouth to avoid the smells overtaking his senses. He had got his original re-breather from a tinker called Barnabas. After the bombings on Santuary day, Oakley sourced a smaller and less conspicuous re-breather that plugs his nostrils and sits like a nose ring.

Specialized Equipment

  • leather strap worn across his chest with throwing knives tucked into them
  • large throwing dagger
  • three throwing axes stolen from the dark mage vaults

Mental characteristics



Failures & Embarrassments

Gambling addiction

Personality Characteristics


Ex-Assassin trying to redeem himself from a life of death.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Gambling
  • Uncharismatic
Merakesh lost a small fortune at the Golden Palace and ended up enslaved to the Tinatoa as a result.


Family Ties

Merakesh's father was a Tracker and died when Merakesh was a boy. His mother died on the same day from an expolosion and fire. Both were killed by the Brass.


Merakesh Larkin

Friend and lover

Towards Ariuk of Gold


Ariuk of Gold

Friend and lover

Towards Merakesh Larkin


Date of Birth
3 of Oak, 372 YAW
Sandy-blonde straight hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin
The Saber
Known Languages
Merakesh can speak The Old Language


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