Crest of the Devine Item in Hausken | World Anvil
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Crest of the Devine

A circular design in which a fish swam at the bottom and a bird flew at the top, and in the middle of the two animals, shone a sun. This symbol was known as the Crest of the Devine and was most commonly shown on the cover of the Celestial Tomb. Though the crest was used for the majority of Ascended, there were some alterations for those Ascended who had specific duties in the church.   A high priest or priestess would instead have a moon in the middle instead of the sun;   a healer would include the white flowers of Te’rine around the fish;   and a warrior would have a single arrow protruding from the back of the bird.   Some Paladin’s crest showed a sword plunged downwards through the sun. If there were any doubt of who this man was, the Crest of the Devine now made it certain, he was Paladin of Justice. Those who were the extension of the church’s righteous and devout rules, and with which the hands welded justice at the end of a sword blade.
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