The Church Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Church

The Church is the group that pracices the religion The Light who practices out of Temples and the Cathedral. The Church is the organisation affiliated with healing and the Celestial bonding with another being, creating a blended race called Ascended. Not all Ascended follow the Church's teachings, and not all of the Church's members are Ascended but it does hold a huge portion.   The Church also conducts Lineage Mapping for all Celestials and Acended bonding to ensure that all surviving Celestials are housed in he most suitable and desirable hosts.   The Sisters of the Sun are a splinter faction that look after specifically women and run by women, even though they still report back to the Cathedral Priest and High Priest.  

Spiritual Leaders

Many of those who come to the Church wishing to serve are known as Acolytes. They usualy wear robes and hoods, simple silohettes and simple fabrics. Those who have blended and become ascended, or those who are dedicated through action and are deemed worthy, are known as Priest or Prestesses. The Priest and Priestesses are viewed as the primary spiritual leaders which spread the message of goodness, kindness, honesty, piety, charity, healing, love, and compassion. They usualy wear robes and hoods, simple silohettes but with complex fabrics. The head of the Priests and Priestesses, and thus the head of all the Church is considered the High Priest or High Priestess who resides in the Cathedrial. They are said to be the direct connect with the Light and holds one of the longest memories to date for an Ascended being. Currently, the host is male and thus, it is a High Priest. His name is Jayner Joric.  


The Church also commands Paladins, who are Ascended and deal more with justice and lawfulness rather than the spiritual and healing. They are the 'militerian' arm of the Church and are used to enforce higher justice that is seen as in parallel with the Police Department.  

The Inquisition

The Inquisition is a judicial system for those who transgress within the Church. The 'law court' is known as the Well of Light and is located beneath the Cathedral. It is procided over by a party of three - a High Inquisitor, currrently this is Quaid Bedlam; a Paladin known as Justice, and a Paladin known as Judgement. They will interograte, and listen, then pass sentence. All three must agree on the verdict. If the sentence is death, then this is often immediate and is carried out in the Well of Light by another Paladin.


The Inquisition is the judicial arm of the Church


The Celestial Tomb - this is the book by which the religon follows, providing written teachings, stories, proverbs, and moral guidance.


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