Crystals Item in Hausken | World Anvil
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Crystals are created when The Wrath bolt hits the ground in the Scorched Lands around Hausken. The sands and minerals melt and twist, bursting with the power from the lightning strike. The reaction between the ground and the energy was a birth of life – the formation of a blue crystal. These crystals are strong and powerful, and omit a harmonic hum that can be heard by the trained ear. They vibrated at a steady frequency and as such, are a reliant power source for many of the city’s magical inventions.   Crystals are collected by 'Crystal Runners' who venture beyond the protective borders of Hausken to take the crystals back to the city. It is a dangerous job but they are paid well. Crystal Runners can also make extra money selling crystals in the Black Market or direct to businesses.  


The journeys to find the crystals to bring back to Hausken and provide the authorities (or sell on the black market) are known as Crystal Runs. Those who make these journeys are called Crystal Runners.    They have a high mortality rate due to the risk and deadly conditions outside of the city.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
They are hard to find and require people to venture beyond the safety of the Peacekeepers.


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