Hausken Settlement in Hausken | World Anvil
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Häusken, she was a city of magic, of law, of industry. She was a city of agriculture and advancement, of mining and commerce. She was a city of thieves, of deceit, of intrigue. Häusken was a city unlike all others that were before, and as the years progressed, it evolved with the inhabitants, it was forged and built and plunged into decay. Häusken – in four hundred years, the city’s greatness had become diluted and the good intensions of its creation fell into ambiguity. Four hundred years of The Wrath waging its electrical war on the city’s inhabitants, remaining constant like the stars and the soil and the air. Four hundred years of Le’mar Lestalt's protective reign and the Peacekeepers and slow creep of the divide between the classes and the feud between the races.  
There are no cars in Hausken, the fastest mode of transport is the horse and cart.


Hausken has twelve large towers with their crystal eyes around the city’s border. It was these towers which acted like lightning rods, capturing and harnessing the lightning’s energy, and creating the dome under which the city was shielded. These towers were the city’s protectors from The Wrath and had been given the name by the original inhabitants of Häusken, as the Peacekeepers.


  • The Tower is the tallest structure in the middle of the city


  • The Slums
  • Residential District closer to the centre of town
  • Industrial dristrict (it sits on an underground volcano that powers the machines) AKA The Steam Works
  • District 6 is the Red Light District
Included Locations


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