Flower - Grippin' Flower Species in Hausken | World Anvil
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Flower - Grippin' Flower

In the soil, stood tall a single stork. It was green and straight, but it had no leaves, no flower. “This, Eli-wood, is a Grippin’ Flower.” He gestured to the plant, but Eloise’s expression deflated – she was clearly unimpressed. “It’s just a stick,” she exclaimed. “Where is the flower?”   “Ahh,” Artrand Lasseremae said with a smile. “Grippin’ Flowers are very special flowers. They don’t bloom from the sun, or the rain, or the Wrath. They don’t need plant food, or minerals.”   Eloise looked confused. “Then what do they need Father?”   Artrand took his daughters hand. “They need magic,” he replied with an excited smile.  


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