Eli Fleetfoot Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Eli Fleetfoot

Eloise Avalan Lasseremae (a.k.a. Eli Fleetfoot; Eli-wood)

Eli is in hiding under a sudeo-name to protect her mother Jocelyn Lasseremae from being victim to extausion and blackmail, as there are those in Hausken that would manipulate the relationship Eli has with her mother to their benifit. The group that would benifit from most from this discovery would be the The Dark Council, the faction populated with many of the nasty and talented Dark Mages in Hausken.   “It’s a Grippin' Flower,” Eli said softly, pausing for a moment. She did not often seem vulnerable or sensitive, but it seemed in this moment, she softened ever so slightly. Her protective bravado that armoured her heart, the no-nonsense exterior peeled away like the petals unfurling from the stem, revealing something truly breathtaking at the core. She saw the silver shine in her hand and immediately her heart reminisced of her father.  
“It is to remind us that we are all connected,” she said gently, her words sticking in her throat. “No matter where we are.”

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Short, slender but muscular
  • Eli does a lot of hardcore parkour so her mucles are fit and in tune
  • She has long brown hair that isn't always tamed, it can get in the way when she is trying to see.

Special abilities

Elven Features
  • Access to Nature magic, enabling spells such as: lightening, plant growth, air manipulation, and light.
  • Pointed ears
  • Long life

Apparel & Accessories

Usual outfit
  • Light leathers to protect from intial blows and scrapes but is light enough to move around easily.
  • Boots and fingerless gloves, however where possible she will take her shoes off to stand in dirt to be connected to the garden.
  • Sometimes, Eli will wear a cloak to help protect her from the cold.

Specialized Equipment

  • large hunting knife worn on her belt
  • magic spells requiring her hands or words to cast them

Mental characteristics


Eli taps into nature's magic and can cast:
  • Air barrier - using the compression of air to make a wall-like structure
  • Air bubble - using the compression of air around her and others to maintain a protective barrier
  • Lightening strike - a powerful offensive spell that calls the power of electricity by drawing it up from the ground rather than relying on the sky
  • Nature healing - allowing plant life to grow and revivie
  • Nature whispers - sending messages to others who have the same power via butterfly messenger
  • Light casting - generates energy ball, or commands glowing insects such as fireflies to create a light source


Contacts & Relations

Eli was a Crystal Runner prior to joining the party. Her contacts and affiliations with those who bought and sold Black Market crystals can come in handy when searching for other black market objects.

Family Ties

Her father Artrand Lasseremae used to call her "Eli-wood" as a term of endearment. Her mother Jocelyn is still alive and works for the Arcane Guild.

Hobbies & Pets

During a raid on the Dark Council - Hidden Vault, Eli stole a Green Scaled Egg which has not yet hatched.


Eli can speak some Elvish, and has learnt some The Old Language as to better keep an eye on Merakesh Larkin and Marcus Compton  Eli always speaks her mind which can escalate conflict at times rather than scaling it back.


Eli Fleetfoot

Childhood best friend

Towards Simpkin Berginshire


Simpkin Berginshire

Childhood best friend

Towards Eli Fleetfoot


51 years
Date of Birth
25th of Light, 353 YAW
Light brown
Long, brown, wild
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Arcane's blessing" - it is an old Elven greeting.


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