Gruslaw in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Dwarves also had houses but used Sanctuary Day as a reason to honour the hard labour of the year past, and to ask blessings from their Gods for the year ahead. Their lineage and forefathers were celebrated on a different day for the Dwarven people in Häusken, known as Gruslaw. Gruslaw was a time to honour that which had come before, boast of which ancestors had accomplished more, and tell tales of intrigue and riches. This often involved many pints of mead, friendly brawls and much singing. Sanctuary Day for the Dwarves however, was a time of humble thanks and reflection. So, while the Humans danced in the streets, the Dwarves were often assembling their baskets of offering to the Gods who they believed oversaw their fates.


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