Sanctuary Day in Hausken | World Anvil
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Sanctuary Day

It is a traditional Human celebration that occurs on the 13th of Lords each year. It is a large festival to celebrate Le’mar Lestalt as the savior of the city, and which involes music, dancing, theatre performances, festival treats, drinking, singing, parades, and much festive decorations.  
  Purple clothes are work especially, purple banners are hung around Hausken. The banners include the Influencial houses of the 12 representatives of the Tower Council. People adorn their homes and doors with the "Watchful Eye of Lestalt".  
  Santuary Day for Daemonkin The Daemonkin cared not for the holiday at all. They saw it as an oppressive and false worship of a Human regime. Sanctuary Day to most of them was not about the collaborative celebration of cultures but a butchering of history. Lestalt was not a name that curried favour in the Daemonkin circles, and being Human was often seen as nothing but a weakness. Their Daemon ancestors had relinquished their powers to accept sanctuary within the protective dome, but in doing so, damned their offspring to live as half-casts in the eyes of their maker. Today was a day like any other, they continued in their shady operations and moved through the crowds as they went about their business.  
Santuary Day for Dwarves
The Dwarves also had houses but used Sanctuary Day as a reason to honour the hard labour of the year past, and to ask blessings from their Gods for the year ahead. Their lineage and forefathers were celebrated on a different day for the Dwarven people in Häusken, known as Gruslaw. Gruslaw was a time to honour that which had come before, boast of which ancestors had accomplished more, and tell tales of intrigue and riches. This often involved many pints of mead, friendly brawls and much singing. Sanctuary Day for the Dwarves however, was a time of humble thanks and reflection. So, while the Humans danced in the streets, the Dwarves were often assembling their baskets of offering to the Gods who they believed oversaw their fates.  
Santuary Day for Elves
The Elven houses from the Elven members of the Tower Council are displayed, but influence over Hausken Human/Elven politics may are not the same as the seven Elven houses considered the most powerful Elven houses in Hausken. "Power" for Elves come not just from wealth and influence but from the lineage, magic, and deeds carried out in the past. The Elven Seven have no crests or insignias used to define them as the older and more powerful houses, their recognition in Sanctuary Day was a token inclusion to help integrate Elves into Human cultural events such as Sanctuary Day. Instead of banners, the seven powerful houses of Elven heritage were represented with seven different flowers, worn pinned to coat lapels or tucked into braids of hair.  
Santuary Day for Goblins
The Goblins remained focused on their jobs and the day at hand. As many shops were closed for the holiday, the Goblins found themselves amongst the frivolity as a by-product of a day without strict purpose. They joined in the dancing, the drinking, the pranks, and the party. As a people, they were truly there for the moment, and did not pay too much attention to what had been before, and what would come about. Perhaps it was the mysterious nature in which their people found themselves in Häusken, celebration of the past merely reminded them all of the uncertainty of the Goblin heritage and how little people still trusted them.


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