Merchants Guild Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Merchants Guild

Looks after all those classified as retail and hospitatlity services such as Pubs, Inns, and Brothels. The Merchants Guild is the oldest Guild in Hausken.  

The Merchants Guild Emblem

The emblem used by the Merchants Guild has been used for hundreds of years, and it is unknown who first created it. The coin sack in the middle was replaced by the purse as an amendment in the last 200 years to represent a more moden coin carrying object.
  • sheild with two lines - signifying the two options of profit and loss.
  • helmet with the crown - the guild had been entrusted to manage the kings finances until the contenants monachy fell in 530 BEFORE.
  • coins - celstial bodies are important to understanding the movement and power of magic and casting
  • purse - to represent a more moden coin carrying object, although there was speculation that it was done as a reaction to the womens movement in economical contribution.
Guild, Merchant


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