Miners Union Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Miners Union

Guild for the miners, this includes gems, precious metals, and elemental resources such as sulphar.  

The Miners Union Emblem

The emblem used by the Miners Union was adapted from the industrial company who first conducted the mining in the Hausken area in 175 BEFORE - the Hausken Mining Corporation. Once Hausken was cut from the rest of the world after The Wrath, the corporation split to become a industry organisation, and a governance arm. This Governance arm became the Miners Union and operate independantly of the organisations within the mining industry. However they have adapted their emblem to contain the tools and gems as per the original corporate logo.
  • sheild - signifying the power defence that comes from the metals that are mined
  • tools - although steam power has enabled more suffisticated tools, the tools are used on the emblem to show the engineering and inginuity that must go into mining.
  • gem stones - the wealth dug up by the mining industry are represented by the precious gemstones on the emblem
  • leaves - the inclusion of the leaves and wood was to display the industries involvement with rehabilitation of the land once disturbed.
Guild, Professional


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