Police Station Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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Police Station

The Police Station is run by the Police Department. Within the grounds of the police station are:
  • The main offices
  • Holding cells
  • A boiler room
  • A courtyard
  • Stables

The Main Officers

The police station is a place of hustle, filled with the local police of Hausken. The main office houses the front desk for all Hauskenites to visit, desks for the officers paperwork equipped with typing machines and telegram paper, a small lunch room and lavatory services, interrogation rooms for detectives, a small legal library, and the Police Chief’s office.  

Boiler Room

The boiler room was there to help regulate the hot water for the police station and the temperatures in the buildings. It is considered maintenance and barely visited by others outside of the maintenance staff.  

Holding Cells

The holding cells are simple with cold metal bars that run down the front of each cell.  
Police/Fire station


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